Page 136 - The Chapka 2017
P. 136

 Officers at Extra Regimental Employment
 Lieutenant General Sir JR Everard KCB CBE Major General CS Fattorini
Brigadier RB Nixon-Eckersall
Brigadier JNE Buczacki
Colonel DM Bennett
Colonel NJ Best OBE
Colonel MJ Mudd DSO
Colonel KD Sharifi OBE
Colonel RO Slack OBE
Colonel M Todd MBE
Lieutenant Colonel N Bannister MA MSc MA psc(j) Lieutenant Colonel LJ Barnett
Lieutenant Colonel CJ Blakey
Lieutenant Colonel A Brodey
Lieutenant Colonel JR Campbell-Barnard MBE BSc MSc Lieutenant Colonel JF Dart
Lieutenant Colonel SP Doherty
Lieutenant Colonel J Farrer BSc, MSc
Lieutenant Colonel ANB Foden DSO MBE
Lieutenant Colonel DM Goggs B Eng (hons)
Lieutenant Colonel JE Lance
Lieutenant Colonel TSD Lyle
Lieutenant Colonel ERJ Mack
Lieutenant Colonel TJGS Purbrick
Lieutenant Colonel WJ Richmond
Lieutenant Colonel AEB Simpson
Lieutenant Colonel JAK Walker
Lieutenant Colonel RGJ Watson
Lieutenant Colonel NRE Woolgar MBE
Lieutenant Colonel MMR Woolley psc(j) MA
Major C Badcock
Major DSR Bam
Major DT Barrington-Barnes
Major JBT Bigg
Major AJ Champion
Major JET Davis
Major GJH Duffield
Major PC Evans
Major AJ Horsfall
Major A Howard
Major CS Kierstead
Major W Minards
Major JNO Mossop
Major A Newman
Major J Poole
Major D Priestley
Major J Rathbone
Major JW Scattergood
Major HR Semken
Major HG Simpson
Major J Styles
Major N Vye
Major ML Welborn
DSACEUR SBLO Oman Deputy Military Representative NATO Commander 1 Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Brigade Defence Hub Duqum Liaison Officer Assistant Head Combat Capability Plans Military Assistant 1 to Chief of the General Staff Assistant Director Army Capability LCMB Strategy Ministry of Defence Army Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research Army Headquarters Quartermaster Army Training Regiment Pirbright Army Headquarters Headquarters JFC Naples SO1 Strategic Force Development DA Kazakhstan SO1 Infantry, Riyadh SO1 International Concepts SO1 Army Strategy and Organisation British Forces Somalia Army Headquarters SO1 Information Capability Directing Staff Kuwaiti Staff College SO1 Information Capability ACSC SO1 Fighting Vehicle Systems DSTL DACOS Warfare Coordinator SO1 Royal Armoured Corps SO1 Organisational Plans, Head of Capability Combat NATO NWD-N3 Lieutenant Colonel Company Commander RMAS J5 Plans PJHQ Field Army Training MTMC Trg Developmet Instructor ICSC(L) SO2 G3 Commitments Force Troops Command SO2 Infrastructure, Defence Basing and Infrastructure SO2 Information Strategy SO2 G5 Plans 4th Infantry Brigade SO2 G3 West Africa PJHQ Joint Forces Command SO2 J5 Plans, PJHQ SO2 Royal Armoured Corps Officers, Army Personnel Centre ICSC(L) Officer Commanding Support Comapny DHU Officer Commanding Castlemartin Ranges SO2 Weapons DOSG SO2 Royal Armoured Corps Manning XO East Midlands Officer Training Corps Joint Forces Command SO2 Change Plans Field Army Officer Commanding Headquarter Squadron, Queens Royal Hussars Joint Forces Command SO2 Training Support Home Command

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