Page 9 - The Chapka 2017
P. 9
August 2017
7 The remainder of the Regiment go on summer leave.
11 Second Lieutenants Batterbury and Titcomb commis-
sion into The Royal Lancers.
September 2017
5 Key RHQ personnel visit the Scots DG’s pre Operation TOSCA Field Training Exercises.
8 The Colonel of the Regiment, the Quartermaster and a Lance Guard attend the HMS Prince of Wales naming ceremony in Fife.
11-29 The Regiment deploys on Exercise NORTHERN LANCER; a reconnaissance exercise in the North of England and Scottish Borders.
21 Commander 12th Armoured Infantry Brigade, now Brig- adier A Reilly, visits Exercise NORTHERN LANCER.
October 2017
9 A 12th Armoured Infantry Brigade inspection team ar- rive in Catterick to assess the Regiment’s Personnel Administration.
11 The Regiment hosts a ‘Forces Strongman Competition’, organised by Sergeant D Pennington.
12 Lieutenant G Parker and WO2 (SSM) Weaver attend the Brewers’ Lunch in London where Trooper Sands is awarded a tankard for outstanding achievement.
19 The Officers’ Mess host the Balaklava Dinner.
25 Officers, Warrant Officers, and SNCOs attend the 12th Armoured Infantry Brigade Manoeuvre Study Day in
November 2017
8-24 BGHQ and C Squadron deploy to Salisbury Plain on Ex- ercise LIGHTNING ACE.
10 Remembrance Service held in Catterick.
12 Remembrance Service held on Salisbury Plain, attended
by BGHQ, C Squadron, and members of the Old Com- rades Association.
14 The Regiment contributes to Exercise IRON STRIKE, as the Divisional Reconnaissance Force
19 The Colonel of the Regiment visits the Regiment on Ex- ercise LIGHTNING ACE; a brigade manoueuvre field training exercise on SPTA with The Royal Lancers as a brigade covering force.
December 2017
5-7 A Squadron run a Javelin Training concentration for the Regiment.
5 Officers, Warrant Officers and SNCOs attend an Eth- ics Study Day in Mirfield run by the Padre, Major G Collingwood.
7 The Officers’ Dinner is held in the Cavalry and Guards Club in London.
11 The Regimental ‘Loya Jirga’ meet to review decisions made in June.
12 The Regimental Christmas church service is held in the garrison church, followed by the annual ‘Troopers’ Lunch’. The Officers’ Mess triumph at rugby vs the Warrant Officers’ and SNCOs’ Mess.
14 The Warrant Officers’ and SNCOs’ Mess get their re- venge vs the Officers’ Mess on the football pitch.
15 C Squadron are presented the Babbington Shield for
winning the Annual Inter-Squadron Sports Competi-
tion. The Regiment depart for Christmas Leave.
15 Second Lieutenants Free, Mackanaess and Reed com-
mission into the Royal Lancers.
January 2018
11 RHQ conduct a final recce in Cyprus for Operation TOSCA.
15 Junior Troopers begin their Pre-NCO cadre in Catterick. 15-26 BGHQ deploy on Exercise SPECULAR in Warminster; a command post exercise supporting the Brigade’s readi-
ness validation.
29 A B3 Gunnery course begins its range package in