Page 37 - Hindsight Issue 26 April 2020
P. 37
passion. He became a famous botanist
and agriculturist, but was also well-read
in astronomy, geology and forestry. He
helped to found the Agri-horticultural
society of India. He was one of the great
plant collectors of that era, sending
specimens and botanical drawings to
places such as Kew gardens, Liverpool
and edinburgh botanical gardens and
having a significant input to Calcutta
Botanical gardens. He also had his own
five acre garden which was laid out according to Linnaean classification.
Campaigning for social change led to the abolition of sati – widow burning – and of infanticide. He also campaigned for more humane treatment of people with leprosy who were often burned or buried alive. In the sometimes dark days of colonialism he was a true friend of India. When many were in India to make themselves or their colonial powers rich and powerful, he and colleagues were truly concerned only for the welfare of the indigenous people. they were interested in neither wealth nor power. they were there to share their Christian faith, while respecting and admiring much that was good about Indian culture.
st James’ Church Paulerspury is where his parents are buried and where he was baptised as an infant, not far from the site of the Pury end cottage where he was born. Hackleton Baptist Church houses the pulpit where he preached his first sermon and you can see the sites of cottages where he was apprenticed and the Piddingtom Church where he and Dorothy were married. Carey Baptist Church Moulton owns the only surviving home in this country, which houses a small museum. on the church premises is a mural which tells his story and a stained glass window depicting his ideas that grew there.
Fuller Baptist Church Kettering has a Heritage Centre which celebrates the history of BMs World Mission and in addition to Carey, includes a focus on both Andrew Fuller and William Knibb, with many artifacts from all over the world.
Visiting is by appointment at or by phoning Margaret Williams on 01604 719187.
Margaret is the Visits Co-ordinator of the Carey experience and Curator at Moulton.
Phone to visit : – Paulerspury: Bridget Williams-Deans 01327 811378 Hackleton: Jennie Lee 01604 706812
Kettering: David Milner 07876564617