Page 46 - Hindsight Issue 26 April 2020
P. 46

 forced into an ignominious retreat down the Banbury Lane. the army then ended up camping just outside edgcote.
the two army commanders retired to Banbury to spend the night in some comfort. It was there, we are told, that a dispute broke out. It is said that ‘...the erle of Pembroke, putte the Lorde Stafforde (i.e. Devon) out of an Inne wherein he delighted muche to be, for the loue of a damosell that dwelled in the house...’ As this was contrary to an earlier agreement that whoever found lodgings first should have them, Devon left, taking his part of the army with him. this consisted of all of the archers.
the following day Redesdale launched an archery attack on Pembroke’s men, who were unable to respond in kind. Pembroke was obliged to charge down from his strong hilltop position and engage with the rebels ‘... in a plaine called Danes more, néere to ye towne of Edgecote, iij. miles frõ Babery...’ the battle raged for most of the day, before 500 men, made up of ‘...all the Rascal of the towne of Northampton and other villages about’ arrived and decided the day in favour of Robin’s army. the Welsh routed and many were slaughtered, including a whole generation of Welsh nobility. Pembroke was taken to northampton, and there beheaded on Warwick’s orders. Devon didn’t fare any better, despite avoiding the battle. He was lynched by the commons of Bridgewater a few days later.
In commemorating the battle the society planned several activities. We wanted to organise a conference in northampton but with a national profile to highlight the research we had done and raise awareness. this was supported by the publication of a new book on the battle and the building of a scale model of the battlefield and armies. Finally we produced a leaflet on the battle, suitable for anyone who wants to walk the field in safety, and conducted a guided tour of the ground on the actual anniversary.
All of these aims were achieved, with a very successful conference on 27 July at Abington Park Museum. the book launch went well, and it was awarded the Hindsight Award for Best Publication in the 2019 Heritage Forum Awards. the model has toured the country at numerous shows, – including BBC Radio northampton’s northamptonshire Day, and attracted a good amount of attention.
the rain even held off for the anniversary walk.
The book is £9.99 and can be ordered directly from It is also available from the Northamptonshire Battlefield Society, either at one of their monthly meetings or from their stand at one of the many shows they attend around the county and country. Copies can also be obtained from the Delapre Abbey Gift Shop, who hold a small supply.

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