Page 104 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 104

Short Term Training
Team To Iraq
Marne Company, Sandhurst’s Defence Engagement Company, deployed to Baghdad, Iraq in February for 6 weeks,
to deliver elements of an International Train- ers Development Course, as well as a tailored Leadership package. These courses were held at The 1st Military College, Al- Rustamaiyh (Iraq’s equivalent of Sandhurst), as well as Special Divi- sion – an operational unit whose responsibility it is to protect the International Zone from terror- ist organisations. We depl2oyed with 2 Captains and 2 CSgts and were based out of the British Embassy. The aim of our time there was three- fold; first and foremost, it was to improve the instructional capability of the staff within Al- Rus- tamaiyh. By exposing them to various methods and techniques that are used by staff at Sand- hurst, we then got them to deliver
comed and this is something that clearly must continue.
The team found the whole experience extremely worthwhile, and both sets of audiences were enormously engaging and receptive to the les- sons that we taught. Many of the instructors at Al- Rustamaiyh had attended their training in Germany, Pakistan, and there were a few RMAS
  lessons utilising some of these practices. We then assessed them, providing feedback at all stages.
We were greeted with open arms wherever we went, and it is clear that the British presence in Iraq is welcomed.
alumni which made for a varied, bright and interesting audience.
The deployment did not go without its frictions; learning the norms of a new culture in such a short time was a challenge but very rewarding, and with the questionable technol- ogy coupled with the language bar- rier, we had to remain flexible and
Secondly, we wanted them to
consider the variety of leadership
styles that we teach our OCdts
here at RMAS, and to get them
to consider the benefits of Mission Command and Servant Leadership, which form the basis of our OCdts’ development in their 44 weeks here. Finally, the Defence Engagement benefit from having Sandhurst instructors within that part of the world cannot be understated. We were greeted with open arms wherever we went, and it is clear that the British presence in Iraq is wel-
fluid throughout our time in the country. As a result, all four instructors have developed their own capabilities as well as our understanding of our friends within that part of the world. It was a fantastic experience, and one which hopefully now remains a recurring serial for anyone lucky enough to be posted into Marne Company.

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