Page 5 - 2015 AMA Autumn
P. 5

Foreword by Chairman
Why do we Climb? Some thoughts from the Chairman, Col Paul J Edwards MBE, FRGS
Why do we climb? Sitting at home this evening I wondered what to write as a foreword to this Journal and I asked myself why? Over the years I have taken part in almost every aspect of the sport, from bouldering and indoor sport climbing, to trad climbing, big walls, alpinism, ski mountaineering and expeditions to the greater ranges and Antarctica. It is a sport that I love and one which gives me an intense feeling of both exhilaration and also of contentment; it brings me to a sense of inner wellbeing.
Given all of this the answer to the question why? should be obvious, but I also find myself looking at the risk. Big alpine faces and the greater ranges clearly bring risks that are apparent to all, but, of course there remains risk in almost all aspects of our sport. I noted this evening that over my almost 40 year climbing career, 6 of the people that I had climbed with had been killed in mountaineer- ing accidents, and two more had suffered ‘life changing’ injuries. As a husband and father of two, my desire to push myself has diminished, as has my youthful aura of invincibility, but still I climb,
perhaps not as hard as in my 20’s and 30’s, but still into the Alps, and on trad routes in the Peak, North Wales and the Lakes.
So why? What is it that we gain from climbing? The fear of dying undoubtedly brings exhilaration, but, certainly for me, it is not the exhilaration that keeps me coming back. I’m too old to be an adrenaline junkie, and I have nothing left to prove to anyone, not even myself. So Why? Well perhaps it is all about that inner sense of wellbeing, that closeness to nature. When I come down from a good route, whether it is abseiling down a crag, or the long walk off a Welsh peak, I get a great sense of a job well done, perhaps like a craftsman who places their finished article down and admires their handiwork. Even more, I get of sense of being alive, and perhaps that it is it, perhaps we climb as it reaffirms our life, our place in the world, our very essence.
Whatever your motivation for climbing, I hope it gives you the years of satisfaction and contentment that it has brought me. I look forward to bumping into you on the hill one day. We can discuss why? on the walk down!
 AMA Journal
Editor Update
A big thank you to all that have contributed to another AMA Journal! I would also like to thank everyone that took the time to complete the online survey regarding the Journal content. There was some very
useful feedback which has been extremely valuable.
Please continue to update the Membership Secretary when you change address so that we can continue to successfully deliver your Journal on time and to the correct address!
Well done to those that have won a prize in either the photo competition or article competition. And a big thank you to Crest publications who not only produce the Journal but also judge the winners for each competition.
    Message from the Webmaster
The website continues to evolve with input from our members across the association. I am continually on the look out for more ideas how you would like the website to look and work. If you do notice any errors or can see any problems with the site please contact me direct as per below.
Any pictures from out and about or any Expeditions AMA members have been on please send them to the Webmaster.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Capt Darren Edkins AMA Webmaster
Message from the Membership Secretary
I have been the Membership Secretary for the Army Moun- taineering Association since the end of March of this year in replacement for Mrs Sam Fletcher; I thoroughly enjoy the role and I am very lucky as I live in a small village 10 minutes away and am able to bring my dog to work every day.
Currently we have over 2,400 members. It is very important that you let me know of any changes to your details, address, bank details etc; please either fill in another application form (this can be found on our website) or just drop me an e-mail.
If you have any questions, concerns or anything at all please just contact me on 01248 718364 or Mil 95581 7964 or by e-mail on The office times are Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 15.45pm I will be available at these times unless I have taken my loyal pooch Angus for a walk.
The AMA recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.

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