Page 2 - 2000 AMA Alps
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Acknowledgements and thanks are due to the following whose support and advice were fundamental) to the success of AMA ALPS 2000: The committee of the AMA for their advice, support and a grant towards the costs. The Berlin Infantry Brigade Memorial Trust Fund for their generous financial support. Lex Service pic for the provision of 5 minibuses for the three expeditions.
AMA ALPS 2000 has been one
of the most inspired expeditions organized by the Army for many years: it had a simple, well-understood aim (namely to climb all 61 Alpine peaks over 4,000 metres); it had wide participation (over 40 climbers, of all ranks and of every experience, from novice to international mountain guide); and
it genuinely fired the imagination of
the mountaineering community withintheArmy. Itwasameasure
of AMA ALPS 2000 s importance
that it received substantial backing
and support from the Royal Geographical Society, the Berlin Infantry Brigade Memorial Trust Fund and civilian industry, and particularly from Lex Sen/ice pic, whose loan of 5 minibuses made
the whole expedition possible.
Over the last couple of years, the operational pressures on the Army have been extremely demanding. However, AMA ALPS 2000 has not only shown that, despite these operational commitments, adven turous training is still alive and well in today's Army, but it has also demonstrated to young men or women throughout Britain that sol diering is a challenging and excit ing profession, in which the oppor tunities for travel, friendship and funareenormous. Iamdelighted to have been the Patron of such an ambitious undertaking and I would like to thank all those individuals and organizations who helped to convert an inspired idea into a highly successful expedition.
AMA ALPS 2000 was a series The aim was to introduce alpine
of adventurous
expeditions to the French, Italian and Swiss Alps mounted
by the Army Mountaineering Association (AMA) from the 11 July to12August2000. Overthisperiod the AMA hoped to climb all 61 of
novices to alpine mountaineering to provide a firm bedrock of experience for the future and to raise the technical standard and experience of team members. The expedition was divided into three teams:
The Tacule Face of Mount Blanc.
the European 4000m peaks. A total of 42 AMA members participated in the three expeditions.
Group 1. The Mont
Range, Grand Paradiso and Barre des Ecrins.
Group 2. The Bernese Alps.
Group 3. The Pennine Alps and the Monte Rosa Group.
Due to the appalling weather conditions during the 2000 climbing season, AMA ALPS 2000
Final edit by Steve and Amy Willson
was unable to achieve its main aim of summitting all 61 of the 4000 metre peaks. Many peaks were not in a safe condition after the unusually heavy snowfalls in June and July. However, the exercise was a great success despite less than ideal climbing conditions. A total of 41 peaks were summitted and numerous other alpine routes were completed, some in appalling conditions.