Page 8 - Jigsaw May 2021
P. 8

                                                               Mental Health Awareness Week 10th–16th May 2021
  Who am I?
Badges, Hats and Sashes
When we were born, we were not born with a badge, hat, or sash. It is only through the passage of time that we acquire roles and responsibilities. Sometimes these labels fall away, other times we acquire new ones.
Underneath these roles we acquire, is ‘little ole me’. The person I knew before, the person with my own identity, needs an own sense of meaning and purpose.
Please do not forget or neglect ‘little ole me’, I am still here behind the badge, hat, or sash. ‘Little ole me’ is not a role, responsibility, or an expectation.
So, who am I...?
Karen Draycott
     Did you know?
 There is a charity that supports Northampton General Hospital and NHS community and mental health services across the county.
   Northamptonshire Health Charity is an independent charity and it is our mission to enhance patient care and experience above and beyond what the NHS provides.
  Supporting local NHS hospitals and community services
Get Involved
01604 626927 www.northamptonshire
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Mind & Soul

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