Page 14 - NAS Members Guide to Funding
P. 14

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watch the wildlife. However, there was nowhere to
 shelter in the warm other than their polytunnel. The
service users have grown flowers, fruit and veg on the
plots, which gives them a sense of achievement seeing
their produce grow. This project has also scooped 2
awards – “The Anne McWatt award for Innovation
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Mental Health 2018“ and the “Weetabix Local Food
Hero Award in 2019”. The Little Irchester Permanent Allotment Association committee approached BAM in Wellingborough to enquire if they had a small portable room which they could maybe donate to the project. Robin Foster of BAM kindly arranged for this to happen. A fundraising event also raised £935 for the project.”
By thinking about who might be able to help locally and instead of searching for grant funding (and having to complete an application form) the association has brought its idea to life!
CASE STUDY: “Getting a new site road for free! Maesycoed Allotments in Pontypridd”
By making use of their local knowledge and social connections in their area, Maesycoed Allotments got free materials and labour. “Over the last couple of years, the main access road onto our allotment site suffered from increased traffic flow along with general weathering. This made it more difficult for members
to access their gardens by car, mobility scooters or
even by foot, along with the potential for members tripping or slipping on the uneven surface. We had been unsuccessful with grant funding applications, however, following a suggestion by a member, the secretary contacted Graig-Yr-Hesg Quarry to seek assistance. This is a local quarry, part of a large company called Hansons plc. Within hours, the secretary had
a reply and a site visit was arranged. Following a very positive site meeting at our allotments, the Quarry Manager informed the Chairman that he would contact the relevant department and set the ball rolling. The following week, a small team from Hanson plc came on site and measured-up for materials, then preparatory work was carried out. The team came back a few
days later to lay the asphalt as required. The secretary opened up the site on the morning and the Hanson team arrived with various machinery. The secretary introduced himself to the team and discussed plans with the Foreman. During the works, the Regional General Manager from Hanson plc attended the site and was given a tour of our gardens by the Chairman. We expressed our deep appreciation of the work carried out by the contracting team and the swiftness of the

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