Page 19 - NAS Members Guide to Funding
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        facility onThe National Lottery website to search for suitable grant schemes. Details of previous lottery grants can also be searched for on the website and are also included on the free website 360 Grant Nav. Awards for All England
CASE STUDY: “New eco toilet funded by The National Lottery “Awards for All” for West Jesmond Allotment Association in Newcastle upon Tyne.
A toilet on an allotment site is an absolute must. West Jesmond Allotment Association installed an eco-toilet with the help of The National Lotter y Awards for All programme. “We have some 150 members and we run several events each year, attracting hundreds of visitors. As the number of gardeners living near the site has gone down and the numbers of women, children and older adults have risen, the need for a proper toilet has become clearer. It’s a matter of inclusion. At first, we had a hut with a plank with a hole and bucket. It was OK ... but not for everyone!
Our site has no electricity or sewage services, we wanted a waterless system big enough to accommodate pushchairs, wheelchairs and families - an ecological solution to the overall problem of human waste treatment in cities. We narrowed the choice down to the Kazuba K2 from Woo Woo Toilets or the Nat Sol Full Access Composter. Each has its merits. We choose the Kazuba. In January 2022 the supplier told us the price would go up by 25% in March. So that galvanised us. Our committee decided to go ahead, providing the costs could be met from external sources. The price of the toilet was £9,700 and installation by the recommended supplier (Cai at Off-Grid Installs) cost £4,500. Funding applications were made to the Lottery Awards for All and various other charities and £17,300 was raised.
This funding enabled the project to go ahead and paid for some extra facilities, such as fencing, a paved path
    Awards for All Scotland Awards for All Wales
xt few slides in the deck.
    West Jesmond
and other improvements. Installation took two days and the extra works were completed, mostly by us, over the next six months or so. Our members love it.” Although grant funding is never guaranteed, many allotment associations tell NAS that they have had success with Awards for All and that they found the application form and application process to be simple.
CASE STUDY: £10,000 from The National
Lottery ‘Community Fund’ for Revidge Allotment Association in Blackburn”
A BIG idea well planned out, with designated roles
for committee officers, has led to a fabulous new purpose-built community building at Revidge Allotments. “For a number of years, we had dreamt of replacing
two dilapidated timber sheds on the site with a new purpose built metal shed. We knew that the condition of the sheds meant they would soon become unfit and insecure. We needed to grasp the nettle and get on with fundraising and obtaining planning permission...

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