Page 32 - NAS Members Guide to Funding
P. 32

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was previously called an ‘Equal Opportunities Policy’. Referee:This is a professional person who will be asked
This document explains how your organisation to sign to say they have known your organisation and/
will avoid discrimination is its operations and how or its elected officers for a set period of time. This is
you will create a positive atmosphere where all usually for newly formed organisations however, it can
people are treated equally. The Equality Act (2010) be for all applications. Do not assume anyone can be a
protects people with ‘protected characteristics’. referee, where a funder wants a referee they will usually
All individuals actually have at least some of these provide a list of acceptable professions and acceptable
characteristics, which are: age, race, religion or time period the referee has known your organisation/
ould be overview text relating to the n
belief, sex, sexual orientation, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity. An allotment organisation which governs with equality, diversity and inclusion in mind, makes for a happy and more sustainable community.
Additional requirements
These vary from funder to funder. Check before you apply to see if there are any additional expectations from funders, otherwise your time and effort in preparing a funding application could be delayed or wasted. Depending upon the funder, the following may be required:
Proving your organisation’s identity to the funder:You may need a letter from your landlord to confirm this. The person(s) signing the application form on behalf of your association may have to provide evidence of their own identity.
Congratulations! Your organisation can now illustrate its governance essentials to a funder.
 This factsheet is one part of the ten part “NAS Members Guide to Funding”. All ten parts are available to download free of charge from the Members Area of the NAS website.
Copyright © The National Allotment Society 2024.
Please note this publication is restricted to NAS members only.
Content may not be reused, reproduced or distributed in any form without the prior written permission of The National Allotment Society.
O’Dell House, Hunters Road, Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 5JE 01536 266576 | |

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