Page 9 - NAS Members Guide to Funding
P. 9

        and a community room which can be used to make hot drinks.
Fund providers for this specific site project:
be provided this year (2023) yet to be confirmed Parent Carers Group who run social groups and
• COOP Local community fund (Community Causes):
£2429.96 in year 2022-2023 plus further funds to Area’ we have also been approached by Salford
xt few slides in the deck.
with amount as it depends on the amount we raise by people selecting Weaste Allotment & Gardening Association as their CO-OP community cause when shopping in store.
• Salford City Council – standing together Fund: £2,335.57 in year 2022-2023 & £887.88 in year 2023-2024.
Volunteer hours to enable this:Approximately 100 hours including the funding applications and monitoring.
• Full clear-out of land in preparation for the project, four trug plots developed, land levelled and flagged, fencing established to separate the trug plots.
• A social event held to celebrate the new plot spaces.
activities for Un-paid parent carers. We have been able to provide them with a small plot which is in between the trugs and community bee hives to help generate more energy and a community ethos in that area of our allotment site.
By ‘thinking in outcomes’ the association was able to successfully obtain grant funding. In part 10 of this guide,Weaste Allotment Association shares its experiences with delivering a funding award.”
Congratulations! Your association has done the hard planning, budget and skills work. You can move on to think about how you will pay for your idea.
See Part 2.
• Plot holders who have taken plots have started to become more active within our community activities, with one plot holder even taking up a role on our committee.
• With the community spirit of the ‘BeEasy Access
 This factsheet is one part of the ten part “NAS Members Guide to Funding”. All ten parts are available to download free of charge from the Members Area of the NAS website.
Copyright © The National Allotment Society 2024.
Please note this publication is restricted to NAS members only.
Content may not be reused, reproduced or distributed in any form without the prior written permission of The National Allotment Society.
O’Dell House, Hunters Road, Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 5JE 01536 266576 | |

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