Page 21 - RSYC Media info
P. 21
Month Date
Event Month
Date Day
5th Wednesday 5th Wednesday 14th Friday
16th Sunday
27th Thursday
3rd Wednesday 5th Friday
25th Thursday
6th Tuesday 29th Thursday
8th Sunday 20th Friday 21st-22nd Sat/Sun 26th Thursday
2nd Wednesday 4th Friday
5th Saturday 11th Friday
18th Friday 19th Saturday 26th Saturday 31st Thursday
6th Wednesday 15th Friday 23rd Saturday 28th Thursday
4th Wednesday 6th Friday
11th Wednesday 14th Saturday 20th Friday
26th Thursday 31st Tuesday
SYC Ramble followed by supper in the club 10 Week Yoga Session Starting
Father’s Day - Come and enjoy a special SYC Barbeque to celebrate with your family
Curry Supper and Happy hour
SYC Ramble followed by supper in the club Themed Supper
Curry Supper and Happy hour
Wild Artichokes Pop-Up Supper Thursday Curry Supper and Happy Hour
SYC Sunday Roast Start again
Talk - TBA
RNLI 150th Anniversary Weekend – Parade and BBQ Curry Supper and Happy hour
SYC Ramble followed by supper in the club Themed Supper
Lark Masters Dinner
Wild Artichokes Pop-Up Supper
Talk - TBA
Merlin Rocket Silver Tiller Dinner Cruiser Laying Up Supper
Curry Supper and Happy hour
SYC Ramble followed by supper in the club Talk - TBA
Dinghy Laying Up Supper
Curry Supper and Happy Hour
SYC Ramble followed by lunch in the club Themed Supper
Wreath Making
SYC Christmas Party
Christmas Carols in the Bar
Boxing Day Come and enjoy a relaxing lunch watching the racing
New Years Eve Party
January 18th
25th Friday
August September
Friday 31st Thursday
Talk - Mark Dowie - 150th Anniversay RNLI Burns Supper
Curry Supper and Happy Hour
SYC Ramble followed by lunch in the club Chinese New Year Supper
Valentines Supper and Happy Hour
Bring a friend Yoga with Lunch
Talk - Justin Jones - ropes, knots and splicing Curry Supper and Happy Hour
Wild Artichokes Pop-Up Supper
Dinghy and Yacht fitting out morning. Start time 10.30 SYC Ramble followed by lunch in the club
Dinghy and Yacht fitting out morning. Start time 10.30 Dinghy Commissioning Supper
Ceilidh Practice
Ceilidh Dance and Supper
Dinghy and Yacht fitting out morning. Start time 10.30 Talk - Richard Bray
Dinghy and Yacht fitting out morning. Start time 10.30 Curry Supper and Happy Hour
Dinghy and Yacht fitting out morning. Start time 10.30 Saturday Cruiser Commissioning Supper
Mother’s Day Special Sunday Lunch
SYC Ramble followed by supper in the club Themed Supper
Talk - TBA
Bring a friend Yoga with Lunch
Good Friday - come & enjoy delicious food over Easter Easter Saturday
Easter Sunday - Enjoy SYC Easter Sunday Roast - Booking essential
Easter Monday
Curry Supper and Happy hour
SYC Ramble followed by supper in the club Themed Supper
Bring a friend Yoga with Lunch
Curry Supper and Happy hour Wild Artichokes Pop-Up Supper
February 6th
8th Friday
14th Thursday 20th Wednesday 22nd Friday
28th Thursday
March 1st
2nd Saturday
6th Wednesday 9th Saturday
13th Wednesday 15th Friday
16th Saturday 22nd Friday 23rd Saturday 28th Thursday 30th Saturday
31st Sunday
April 3rd
5th Friday
12th Friday
17th Wednesday 19th Friday
20th Saturday 21st Sunday
22nd Monday 25th Thursday
May 1st
3rd Friday
24th Friday
29th Wednesday 30th Thursday 31st Friday
Bring the family, put your feet up and enjoy the scenery.
Add a touch of luxury to camping!
01548 843635 / 07974 251021