Page 117 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 117

              He interrupted: “Aw, Miss Hooper, why? You could be, you could be “ pregnant, why aren’t you pregnant? Have you ever been pregnant?”
 Smiling, I had to ‘shush’ him.
This was it. No written lesson plans here! They were sitting bolt upright. Quite calmly I told them that I had recently been to the hospital for
some tests...
“And do you know, they’ve diagnosed me with breast cancer.” There,
I’d said it.
What would be the reaction?
Almost immediately, all hands were up, waving at me, all the children
now all on their haunches, all eager to say what was uppermost in their minds; all wanting to get in first. Everyone spoke at once. I passed Bramwell to a child hovering nearest to me.
“My Mum’s had breast cancer Miss Hooper.”
“Miss, my next-door neighbour’s got breast cancer.”
I passed
Bramwell to a
child hovering
nearest to me.
“My Mum’s had
breast cancer
Miss Hooper.””

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