Page 162 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 162

 whenever I we“
nt to about ‘everything’. We stayed in touch for some time after treatment
to a funeral my thoughts were with the deceased’s family and loved ones – so many people suffering far
had ended and in time, they too, took part in some of the charity’s events and supported the work we did.
With my bloods all being good I was ready to be ‘infused’ with the strong stuff.
Thursday January 24th: Round 1 – Taxotere
worse than”
With my appointment scheduled for the afternoon I had to attend a funeral in the morning of the husband of a very good colleague at Victoria Junior School, her husband being a retired and highly respected consultant anaesthetist at Kettering General, so it was packed and I knew many of the mourners. Being at a funeral was not really the place you wanted to be on such a day but it did make me think that I was not alone with my illness – that it could be worse and, as always, whenever I went to a funeral my thoughts were with the deceased’s family and loved ones – so many people suffering far worse than I.
With a quick change from my black attire it was over to Northampton and Dave kindly agreed to take me, again, not knowing how I would feel. We needn’t have rushed as they were running late and my drugs hadn’t been ordered; they were also concerned that my blood counts were lower than they would like but just about good enough to go ahead. Being seen as a ‘regular’ I had befriended the receptionists, Eileen, Lesley and Chris, so I was able to have a chat with them which helped with the butterflies. I needn’t have worried for the procedure for giving me the drugs was as before and took about the same time, the highly toxic, sensitive drug, that was in a bag on a stand, covered with another bag, being administered slowly through the line. The only difference was the information they gave me about possible side-effects and how I was to ring them, in fact insisted on ringing them, if there were any that really bothered me and/or if I really felt unwell, even if I didn’t have a high temperature. I was also put on another ten day course of antibiotics and sent home with yet another bag of medications.
Once at home it was a question of wait and see to find out if I would have any bad reactions having been told the first few days should be reasonably OK but then my white cells would drop leaving me susceptible to infection and having a very low immune system. I was OK for the first two days then all hell let loose! The main concerns were of being so incredibly tired and every joint aching. In addition, my mouth became sore as did my tongue, my throat, my fingers, toes .... I developed cold sores, sore eyes, rashes, itchiness, heartburn – and I was weeing a lot!! All this in just a few days! What did the future hold? Almost my whole body was rebelling but my temperature was normal so I simply had to give in to it and chill out on the settee. However I felt, I always showered and got dressed, but may have had a longer lie in
as well as other members of her team and they almost became good friends. In a sad kind of way, I welcomed their visits as I was house bound for long stretches at a time and each because I could ‘offload’

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