Page 181 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 181

  Jeremy’s view...
“What have I agreed to do? I have always held an inexplicable fear of heights, ever since a primary school trip to St. Paul’s Cathedral where we were traipsed up the 259 steps to the top of the dome to the whispering gallery and were invited to look down at the tourists 100ft below. Why would anyone want to do that? Related to this Achilles heel, is a fervent hatred of flying! I don’t know why I agreed. Maybe it was time to face my demons. I am doing it for charity. In the meantime, I have been told that as I am over the age of 40, I need the sanction of my GP. As many men will know, that is another fear I now have to conquer. But maybe he can offer me the parachute out of my commitment and refuse to sign my form. I hope so.”
Two weeks later...
“BAD news. The doctor said I am fit, healthy and nothing should prevent me from putting my life into a complete stranger’s hands by jumping out of an aeroplane, which entails strapping myself to a strange man and jumping out of the plane from 13,000 feet. Some may say what a great opportunity. Not me. However, if ever I needed encouragement in my
charity stunt, I got it when I took part in Sunday’s Crazy Hats Walk. As I wandered around the park with my family, I took note of
all the messages on people’s backs displaying the names of people they were walking in memory of.
It was a humbling experience to talk to some of these people and find out the heartache they have gone through watching
their loved ones suffer and some, die from cancer. And that is why I have decided
to do my bit – frightening though it may be.”
Read about Jeremy’s leap of faith later...

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