Page 211 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 211

me feel very relaxed and confident. I liked him even more when he, looked me in the eye, said:
“Yes, I can do that for you.” I felt like hugging him but controlled myself.
“Just one more thing,” he said, “I’d like you to lose a little weight before I see you next.”
“I’m glad you said that.” I replied. (Did I really say that?)
I heard myself promising I would ....
He was spot on with the weight issue. I wasn’t heavily overweight – just ‘chunky’ like Marilyn said, but I knew that since chemo had finished and my taste buds had improved, I’d made up for lost time and was enjoying food – and now such enjoyment had been noticed.
As I got up to leave, thanking him, I suddenly blurted out: “Will I be able to have a nipple?”
I hadn’t planned on saying any such thing!
“Yes,” he said, looking up from his paperwork, “But about two months after the reconstruction.” I could see the twinkle in his eyes and I’m sure, by the look on his face, he must have been wondering what he was taking on – and was adding a few more words to his notes, no doubt.
I was happy! I left the consultation room on a ‘high’ – just like the time I was told I’d got the Headship at Highfields and Julie and I were leaping about my lounge with my gigantic, fluffy polar bear. I went through to the waiting area grinning like an excited Cheshire cat enthu- siastically telling Marilyn Mr Varma could do it – Marilyn hid behind her magazine! We went off to the City Centre to enjoy a celebratory meal (before the diet started) and to buy some new pyjamas – lots of them – and even a ‘build-a-bear’ teddy that was sporting a wonderful pair of pyjamas and dressing gown... ‘Jama Ted’ – who would be coming in with me.
Having been told there could be up to a six month wait I felt it very important to talk to my loved ones about what was involved and explain to them why this was what I wanted. I truly appreciated all their concerns but, for me, this was the final part of my cancer journey and whatever they said, I knew they wouldn’t change my mind. What was interesting was listening to people’s interpretations of their understanding and knowledge of having a breast reconstruction, for most simply thought I would be having an implant inserted.

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