Page 225 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 225
“The Lottery of Life”
(‘D’ later giving me permission to include his poem in my book.)
Thirty seven years of age –
I’d left school early to earn a wage.
Although the job I didn’t like much,
It had to be done to earn a crust.
I seemed to move from job to job
Just to earn a few more bob.
Then, one day, I couldn’t believe –
I got run over – on Christmas Eve.
In a coma, very ill
Was I to die? Was this God’s will?
They told my parents I’d never walk –
They also said I’d never talk.
I proved them wrong; I still had fun.
But in my life, the worst was to come.
Started feeling sad and very depressed,
My life was soon to be such a mess.
I started drugs, taking heroin,
But not long after, moved to a pin.
It made me relaxed and I began to chill,
But if I didn’t have it – very ill!
I’d got a habit, sometimes felt shit –
I’d do anything for my next hit.
Fell out with mates – what had gone wrong? I felt as if I didn’t belong.
I started looking at my life...
I could have got married, nice wife, nice kids. But who would want to marry sin?
You cannot live on heroin.
Ten years of this, nothing but pain.
Never, ever nothing to gain.
Now I’m clean and hope I’ve learnt.
I’ve vowed myself not to return.
This time I know I’ll stay free –
A junkie’s life is not for me.
I was lost for words – chose not to ask any questions but praised his writing which, I think you will agree, was so powerful and I urged him to write more – he had to keep writing.