Page 253 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 253

enthusiasm and imagination in the future... we are now faced with the task of appointing a suitable successor to the present Acting Head...”
To the staff:
“...I applaud the tremendous work you have all been doing to move the School forward – your commitment is commendable. The two years I spent at Highfields were the happiest of my whole career and the Highfields that I knew will always have a special place in my heart and those of you who were there with me will always remain very dear to me. Words cannot express how much I have missed being with you and the children and how I will continue to miss you...”
To the parents:
Rather than
wondering about
or questioning
the direction
your life has
taken, accept the
fact that there is
a path before you
Shake off the “why’s” and “what if’s,” and rid yourself of confusion. Whatever
was – is in the past. Whatever
is – is what’s important... ”
 “...I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you, and of course, your children, for all the love and support you have shown me during this difficult time – for your kind cards and letters and your words of encouragement... Highfields will always remain very dear to me; I really did enjoy my time there – in fact, they were the happiest days of my career. I am sure the School will continue to blossom and your children will enjoy a happy and fulfilling education. It goes without saying that, in conclusion, I will miss you all...”
My last ever day as a member of the teaching profession. Marilyn and I were at a craft fair at Glennis’s house (florist) helping out. We knew a lot of people and I was telling them of my imminent retirement. Many were shocked thinking it was because of my cancer – many asking if I would be celebrating by popping open a few champagne bottles!
I remember watching the clock just before midnight and getting my pen out. I hadn’t heard from anyone close and assumed they were leaving me alone on purpose, giving me space and time to do it my way – which I did, with tears freely flowing – as they easily could now whilst writing about it.
I signed the papers. Unemployed! Retired!
Marilyn had left a card in my car with such positive and encouraging words: “Rather than wondering about or questioning the direction your life has taken, accept the fact that there is a path before you now. Shake off the “why’s” and “what if’s,” and rid yourself of confusion. Whatever was – is in the past. Whatever is – is what’s important... Walk your path one step at a time – with courage, faith and determination. Keep your head up and cast your dreams to the stars. Soon your steps will become firm, and your footing will be solid again. A path that you never imagined will become the most comfortable direction you could have ever hoped to follow. Keep your belief in yourself and walk into your new journey. You will find it magnificent, spectacular and beyond your wildest imaginings.” (Vicki Silvers)
A premonition perhaps! It was so comforting to have Marilyn by my side.

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