Page 261 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 261

It was a wonderful morning; the sun
was shining; the Park was swathed in
daffodils. Dressed, once again, in my
black gown and pink mortar board,
Marilyn and I had driven there with
a car full of blown up, pink helium
balloons where we met up with Peter
from school, who kindly helped us
set up a public address system. Julie
arrived later with a very keen group
of children who performed ‘Lesley’s
Song’ (that Julie had composed the
music for) before the walkers set
off. More special was seeing Sue’s
family, all of them, with ‘Holly’. The
‘buzz’ as we all assembled was one
of excitement and after a very short
welcome and introduction from me
and a minute’s silence to remember
loved ones and absent friends, the baby ‘snake’ of walkers set off, everyone chatting – all part of a team – a very special team, who shared a common bond – “walking together to make a difference” – a phrase that was to become part of our Mission Statement.
We were to learn so much from that first Walk. Over 200 walkers turned up and most were wearing one of a grand array of hats (compulsory!) which we were delighted about. We didn’t have any indoor space for the walkers to congregate – just picnic tables and benches under big ‘tents’ near the entrance, where Heather and her friend, Pauline, bravely battled the elements, registering people’s names as they arrived, giving them a start card so they could tick off the laps covered. Other volunteers had marked out the route and staff at the Park had kindly opened up one of the refreshment areas. Mum came along to cheer people on and became our official
ribbon cutter for the next ten years –
she loved to be involved and to soak
up the atmosphere. It was lovely that
other family members also came
along to either walk or help, as
did Marilyn’s family. Jimmy and my
sister-in-law Marilyn were brilliant
and assisted at all our future walks
– reliably in charge of the goody
bags on Walk days – goody bags
that took a great deal of time to put
together – but a much-appreciated
treat for walkers. Many people from
the Cancer Support Group and the
 “...who shared
a common bond “walking together
to make a difference”. ”

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