Page 293 - She's One Crazy Lady!
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to judge competitions – especially at the WI talks – and very often asked to choose the best decorated hats(s). It was lovely to be asked but being a judge was a difficult task. Well, what do you do when you are asked to judge the best snowdrop? There were three rosebud vases – with one snowdrop in each – and three very keen ‘owners’ looking at me with pleading eyes, hoping theirs would win. The flowers looked identical to me and I was doing a lot of mumbling to myself, going from one to the other, not wanting to upset anyone for those expectant eyes were still focused on me. I studied each snowdrop intently and eventually made my decision, saying I thought the winning one was ‘sitting up straight and not bent over’. Phew! I even apologised to the runners up – all over a snow drop! (The winner was delighted by the way!)
One more very memorable talk was when I went along to a Rotary Club Meeting. We enjoyed a very hearty meal (I was to learn not to eat too much at these do’s for the feeling of being full whilst trying to speak was, sometimes – uncomfortable!) and I dutifully gave my talk, not holding back. As usual, towards the end, I asked if there were any questions. All I can say is that their questions were nothing like women asked! The questions from the men were very much business related e.g. Did we have accountants on board? Solicitors? Computer support? I answered them all as professionally as I could and ended my talk. Before leaving all the men were standing round the bar enjoying a drink and a chat when the President tapped me on the shoulder and asked if he could have a word... of course.
In thanking me for coming along he said: “My wife has got breast cancer.” I said how sorry I was and asked after her and how he was. He didn’t reply, but again thanked me for the talk saying he now understood a little more of the treatment his wife was having and that my positivity helped him. I asked if he was going to tell his wife he had listened to a breast cancer story. “Oh, yes!” and with that nudged the chap standing next to him asking him if he was going to tell his wife. “No, not tonight, she’ll be asleep, but I will later.” This chap then nudged the chap to his other side and asked the same question. It was like Chinese Whispers and turning to the President again I said:
“Do you know, I’d love to go home with all of you tonight...”
“Hey, steady on!” He was laughing. I tried to justify my comment. “I know,” he said, “I know!”
I really would have loved to know if these men did talk about my talk with their respective partners.
As the number of talks increased and we had lovely merchandise to sell, I began to ask members of our Committee if they would like to come along to help – also for their company and to make them feel involved. Marilyn and Heather were regulars and I admired the way they dutifully sat there, knowing the story almost as well as me – but to keep them on their toes I never told it in the same way. As they sat nearby I could sense they were very often in their own little world and jumped when, sometimes, I would stop what I was saying
   “I studied each snowdrop intently and eventually made my decision, saying I thought the winning one was ‘sitting up straight and not bent over’. Phew! I even apologised to the runners up – all over
a snow drop! (The winner was delighted by the way!) ”

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