Page 323 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 323

‘Crazy Pat!’ and I was always proud to be part of the ‘gang!’”
Pat did, indeed, go on to organise many more tea ‘parties’ at the Nursery with each one getting bigger and bigger and more popular. Other volunteers loved supporting this event and huge amounts of money were raised. Our thanks to Joe and Jane Chamberlain (owners) for their loyal support – and to Pat and ‘her team’ on those hard-working days – Pat loved them!
A very close friend of Pat’s – Marion – who joined Pat on the Walk and came along to the AGM, also joined our team and was the ‘life and soul’ of the group. Marion did not have breast cancer but knew a lot of ladies who did through her involvement with the Wellingborough Netball League. She and Pat actively got behind Crazy Hats and from the start, with their contacts, organised so many fundraising events to support us – especially the Netball Girls! Marion, a well-known resident from Wollaston, also set up coffee mornings and enthusiastically ‘sold’ Crazy Hats wherever she went.
Yes, everybody worked so incredibly hard but it wasn’t all work. Away from Crazy Hats we found time to socialise and spent quality time together by having the occasional afternoon tea or lunch out where partners joined us. We also organised many London theatre trips and coach trips to different parts of the country and organised Craft Days at Colemans Craft – always at our own expense. Such occasions were opened up to Members too so we never had a problem in filling the coaches. Our Dinner and Dances were always a highlight where could all dress up and ditch the uniform! As an ex-teacher I believed in uniforms and was very proud that we designed and wore a very smart black, pink and white uniform – with pink cowboy hats – to show to the world we were a team!)
It was always heart-warming to see new friendships develop within the team – new, lasting and firm friendships that would never have happened had it not been for Crazy Hats. Our ‘home’ enabled this to happen!
Angie Amor
     Jo and Phil Malone
Annette Marshall
Shirley Butlin

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