Page 333 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 333

She explained that this was not meant to upset Auntie Connie at all – “ she was having so much fun!
Oh, Mum! Poor Auntie Connie too!
Mum settled in really well and just a couple of weeks later we all joined her for a big family and friends party when she celebrated her 80th birthday.
A month after that – June 8th 2004 – Mum and Dad celebrated their Diamond Wedding. Again it was an emotional, yet a very happy day. Cas had successfully organised a card to be sent from the Queen which Mum loved. Sunley Court presented her with a beautiful bouquet and again we laid on refreshments – and a cake – with people calling in to see her with cards and flowers – she had so many flowers!
But what about Dad? Of course, we didn’t forget about Dad who was happily settled into Brockfield Nursing Home in Stanwick. Dressed in her best suit we took Mum to see him. Similarly, his carers had dressed Dad in his best clothes and had decorated their Reception Area, where we sat with Dad, surrounded with balloons, bunting and bottles of bubbly. Dad sensed there was something special happening and was on really good form. He was so happy and so loving with Mum and with us... gosh, I can feel the tears coming on. Mum was bursting with happiness.
For us, it was so, so special to see them together, to be with them to celebrate their special day.
The staff were absolutely brilliant too. More cake – and they presented Mum with a beautiful bouquet.
What a wonderful day! I hoped Mum and Dad thought so too – but isn’t life cruel when couples have to be parted like this?
Dad was to spend three more years at Brockfield and, although in his own little world, he seemed happy enough – there were what we called, ‘good’ visits and ‘bad’ visits. Sadly, in February 2007 he passed away – pneumonia stated as the cause of death. Dad was 83. When we got the phone call to say we should be there I, being the nearest to Stanwick, arrived there first and
was later joined by Cas, Jimmy and
Andrew – Cas and Roger having to
get Sunley to wake Mum up, get her
dressed and drive her over. I will
always remember Mum winding her
window down when Cas and Roger
pulled up. At that time she didn’t
know Dad had died.
“Has he gone?” she asked.
I didn’t say yes – I didn’t say no. I asked her to think back to just a few days before when we sat with Dad on our last visit and he spoke to us – the first time in years – his way of saying ‘Goodbye’. We always called
 Dad sensed there
was something
happening and
was on really
good form. He
was so happy and
so loving with
Mum and with
us... gosh, I can
feel the tears
coming on. ”

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