Page 65 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 65
“Miss Hooper!”
So .... A qualified Primary School Teacher! Wow!
There was a time when I thought I wanted to be a vet. When O’ levels had finished I was sent on a work experience to a veterinary practice in Wellingborough. What should have been two weeks was, in fact, two days. What was it about working there that upset me? Everything! So many sick animals and the reactions and feelings of the owners who were so often distraught. I found myself crying with them, getting too emotionally involved. No. I was not cut out to be a vet. I stuck with my original plan – that of being a teacher. With Mr Kemp having been my role model, and other influential teachers who followed, I wanted to follow in their footsteps; the whole ethos of life in the classroom being so appealing, and the love of learning constantly calling me to make it happen.
Thursday September 2nd, 1976 – my first official day as a paid member of the Northants County Council Education Authority – a period of time that was to last twenty-five years and was brought to an abrupt halt in 2001 – and a heart-breaking end in 2003.
I consider myself to be very fortunate in that I was in the right place at the right time at the beginning of my ‘interesting’ career. I knew my
I found myself
crying with
them, getting
too emotionally
involved. No. I
was not cut out to
be a vet. ”
September 1976: My first class!