Page 17 - Oundle Life January 2023
P. 17

                                          What makes The Oundle Bookshop so special? The fact that it is independent and the staff choose all the books themselves.
It is such a beautiful building in the centre of this wonderful market town. It is inviting, has lots of areas of interest and eye-catching window displays to attract the customer
to come in and browse.
Who makes you laugh? Bob
Mortimer and Billy Connolly. Proudest moment? When people
come in and tell us how much they love our bookshop and always make a detour to visit it when they are travelling round the country.
Dinner out or at home? Dinner out.
...and a favourite tipple to go with it? All non-alcoholic for us! Lime and soda or orange and bitter lemon.
loves reading and getting her latest tattoo!
If money was no object, where would you visit? Australia, India and Japan.
Dog, cat or iguana – who’s at home? Special needs cat for Caroline.
   You have a day off, what do you do? Caroline likes to indulge her passion for intricate beading work and making elaborate metal models. Teah
by Katie Buddha.
we love challenges and finding books for people that they have been unable to find elsewhere
Any future ambitions? Just to keep our lovely bookshop as special and valued as it is today.
What brings you joy? At work, unpacking a box of brand new unopened hardback books – it is like Christmas every day!
Jaffa cake or Hobnob? Jaffa Cake definitely.
Something people don’t know about you? Teah is learning French & German in her spare time. Joey has a degree in French & German!
Who inspires you? Karen is inspired Piper and Caroline is inspired by

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