Page 6 - Oundle Life January 2023
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                                ARTS SOCIETY
Artistic lectures
Our new season of lectures started in September, all now ‘live’ in Barnwell Village Hall, 11am to 12noon on the third Friday of each month, and relayed by Zoom to members who want to view at home.
We have a lot of new members, but no waiting list, so we can certainly welcome more to enjoy our varied programme, given by some of the foremost experts in all aspects of the arts. The programme can be viewed on our website.
We have resumed our three lecture Study Days, including lunch, at a cost to members of £40. The first, in November, was an amazing exploration and history of textiles along the Central Asian trade routes: silk, wool and cotton, given by Chris Aslan Alexander. His own story is worthy of several pages, suffice it to say he astounded members with his knowledge and understanding of the place textiles have in the lives of Central Asian people.
Our next Study Day will be in March, when Chloe Sayer will give three lectures on the art of Mexico, exploring how Mayan and Aztec art has influenced modern Mexican artists.
This year we will also be re-starting our Trips and Visits Programme now pandemic restrictions have reduced. Details will be published on the website.
Open air Twelfth Night with the Handlebards at Lyveden
We are still looking to recruit volunteers
to help our audio-visual team, especially sound production, which has become more complicated with hybrid Zoom lectures. Anyone with these skills interested in helping once a month on a Friday morning would be most welcome.
The first three lectures of the season, plus
the three on the Study Day, have all lived up
to their billing. In October especially, Irving Finkel really got us thinking with his hilarious and provocative lecture ‘What are Museums For? – A Curator Speaks’ – leaving no doubt as to what Irving thought! Sarah Burles’ lecture
in November on ‘The Three Grandes Dames of Impressionism’ was a delightful celebration of three remarkable women who were an essential part of the movement from the beginning (Marie Braquemond, Mary Cassatt and Berthe Morisot). In December we received a musically themed lecture from celebrated Arts Society lecturer Peter Medhurst on all aspects of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
     October lecturer Irving Finkel gets wired for sound
View the rest of this season’s outstanding programme on the website:

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