Page 19 - Wish Stream Year of 2018
P. 19

OCdts safely out of their comfort zones, which was exhausting both mentally and physically.
The last day of mountain biking was utilised as more of a recovery ride from the previous day’s activities, and was more focused around the minor skills required for mountain biking such as bunny hops, cornering with speed, and naviga- tional skills. At the end of this ride the bikes were handed back and the final debriefs were con- ducted to close down the exercise. The following
morning saw each of the OCdts going their own way from Salt Lake City airport onto leave once the accommodation had been closed down and the hire cars were handed back.
The exercise was challenging in many aspects for each OCdt, but it was believed that the aim of the exercise, to safely take each OCdt out of their comfort zone and to develop their physical and mental robustness, was reached.
Wales?” The smile quickly left my face.
We crossed the Severn Bridge as the sun set on our
I have some bad news regarding our trip to Norway...
“Ihave some bad news regarding our trip to Norway...”
This was the first time OCdt Jefferson had called an urgent AT meeting, but it would not be the last.
“I have some bad news regarding our trip to the Isles of Scilly...” These words, although now sounding familiar, shocked us for the second time. I smirked glibly: “What’s wrong, are we now going hill walking in
OCdt Richardson

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