Page 81 - Wish Stream Year of 2018
P. 81

   The ANAOA Museum upon completion, December 2018 Brigadier Rigden and I at one of the three ANAOA graduation ceremonies held annually
other forms of communication, for-
eign relations across Central Asia, Clausewitz’s theories, and many
other diverse subjects – all estab-
lished as elements of the Academy
curriculum during ANAOA’s first
two years of operation by three very able RMAS academics, each representing their respective departments: Dr Duncan Anderson (WS), Dr Ed Flint (DIA)and Dr Mike Rennie (CABS). After the departure of Drs Anderson and Rennie in 2014, Dr Flint carried on as the sole Academic Mentor – a daunting task, I was soon to discover.
When I arrived on my first tour in June 2015, I drew immense advantage from the fact that my predecessors had already established the three academic departments on a reasonably firm footing, leaving me to continue the task of moni- toring lectures and advising staff on how best to communicate the knowledge most essential for the development of platoon commanders not only destined to reach the frontline within
ANAOA cadets in full kit marching across the Parade Square
12 months of commissioning, but for that smaller cadre amongst them who would ultimately rise to more senior positions within the Afghan National Army and exercise responsibility over matters of considerable import, such
as formulating strategy and policy.
In sharp contrast to the experience of my prede- cessors, however, from the outset I enjoyed the advantage of working with my Afghan mentees and over a thousand cadets in newly-opened, bespoke teaching and training facilities which replaced the tents and makeshift structures in which many staff and all cadets had been housed and which had served as places of instruction for over 18 months. The new facilities proved a great boon to ANAOA, now boasting expansive concrete structures, each designed to meet a specific requirement: accommodation for cadets and many members of the military direct- ing staff, Kandak offices, classrooms and lecture halls, a dining hall, gym, library, mosque, selec-
 ...a daunting task, I was soon to discover.

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