Page 85 - Wish Stream Year of 2018
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marking of occasions of military significance such
as Anzac Day, Remembrance Day, the bicente-
nary of Waterloo, the centenary of the Battle of
the Somme, and other such occasions, rendered
my experience at Qargha varied and full of fond
memories, marked by a superb, friendly and col-
laborative atmosphere and enhanced by a sense
Supporting officers e
and their families for lifArmy and provided daily contact with all ranks
 New acquisitions for the Museum: various 19th century British rifles and assorted other firearms
of historical subjects with a military
theme, including the Battle of Water-
loo, the Crimean War, French coun- terinsurgency in Algeria, the Soviet
war in Afghanistan, and many other
subjects – all in what I hoped would
contribute to a culture of continuing professional development, particu-
larly amongst the junior officers and
senior NCOs. Regular quiz nights, film showings, and charity events – the last almost exclusively focused around some demonstration of physical prowess – running circuits around camp, tabbing up nearby Mount Charandaz, weight-lifting or tire-flipping – kept the camp buzzing and fit. The
el from the foreign contingents which contrib- uted to the mentoring team at ANAOA: gregari- ous Australians, New Zealanders and
All in all, my time in Afghanistan sur- passed all expectation, and I hope that whatever contribution I may have made to the mentoring mission, it will have played a part, however small, in our pursuit of peace and stability in a country whose experience of conflict now numbers four decades.
of shared purpose and dedication to task. Oper-
ational experience offered me hitherto unknown
and practical insight into the workings of the Field
across most cap badges, as well as with person-
 all for an in
ployment nevolence
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All in all,
my time in Afghanistan surpassed all expectation...
Postscript: Dr Gregory Fremont-Barnes was recently awarded a Queen’s Commendation for Valuable Service for his contribution to the mis- sion at ANAOA
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02/08/2017 15:27:09
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Founded in 1920 as a charity, we
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The Officers’ Association Employment Services
 officer, the OA offers confidential,
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                                                                                       m e

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