Page 3 - 2001/02 AMA Winter
P. 3

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By Major Martin Bazire Chairman AMA
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I am writing this Foreword as your new Chairman. The change of title to the post of Vice Chairman (which I have filled for the last 5 years), and my
election to this new position, were two of the changes approved at this year’s Annual
General Meeting. My role in the AMA is unlikely to change much in the short term. I do see a number of Committee posts continuing to evolve, especially the new Vice Chairman and Publicity Officer positions. I have written previously about the reasons behind all these moves, so I will not dwell on them here.
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What Did You Do On Your leave?
However, for the record, and for the benefit of those who were unable to attend the AGM, our new Constitution is reproduced inside. This explains, in outline: the purposes of the AMA; its organization, membership and decision making; and a few other important matters. There is also a graphical representation of how I see the new AMA structure working in practice, by means of two diagrams which I hope are of interest.
The AMA continues from strength to strength. This is possible due to an active and expanding membership on the one hand, and a dedicated (yet voluntary) Committee on the other, without whom none of the recent changes would have been possible. I would also like to thank Brigadier Nick Cottam, who steps up as our new President, for providing exactly the senior influence we need. In turn, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Tony Streather, Sir Chris Bonington and Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) John Muston become our Honorary President and Honorary Vice Presidents respectively. We are most fortunate in having them all as our Presidents.
There are several important matters that the AMA Committee, on your behalf, will need to address in the coming months. In particular, we are looking at:
• Regularizing the post of the Membership Secretary at JSMTC
• Finding the best mix in our means of communication
• Promoting mountaineering, especially those ventures that
require extra support
• Balancing our finances, while maintaining grants to assist
worthwhile climbing activities.
These are all testing issues for the volunteer Committee members to consider, and I am confident that pragmatic decisions will be made, on behalf of the broad membership.
On the Cover: Climber on Mt Hunter.
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The Army Mountaineer is published for The Army Mountaineering Association by:
Crest Publications Ltd.. Moulton Park Centre. Redhouse Road, Northampton NN3 6AQ. Tel 01604 497565 Fax: 01604 497688

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