Page 103 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 103

  One of my additional roles is that of OC ATFW (Harz) based in Germany. These are 2 x unmanned Lodges in the Harz Mountains, with huge potential for Type 2 or 3 Unit led AT packages. There are stores (Skis, MTBs, climbing and kayaking kit etc) that are available for Units to use – thus reducing the Loan Pool burden of a JSATFA and a whole host of training areas to navigate around. There is one slight draw back (depending on opinion), and that is Units need to provide a Chef and apply for CILOR. In my opinion, this ampli es the expeditionary component to AT and means that all those second order effects of AT (team work, group cohesion, interaction and working together) are built in a remote location requiring cooking, cleaning, admin and social interaction to be divided up across the Unit group – in barracks routine employed in the Field per se.
As an Adventurous Training Desk Of cer (ATDO) for all Germany based and European Joint Support Units, it is extremely encouraging to see  rst-hand the number of high end expeditions being planned and successfully executed, within my AOR and other ATDOs AORs. If I had one observation, it would be to encourage RAPTCIs to be even more involved, and included, offering advice and being that proactive, diligent  gure head in helping Units achieve their mandated 3* AT requirements.
I look forward to seeing a number of applications for TEEs and planned Unit AT Expeditions wishing to tap into my offer above in the Harz. Please feel free to give me a call (rather than an email), and I will more than happily help out where I can.
This is my second year here at the very busy Adventurous Training Foundation Wing (Castlemartin) (ATFW(C)) which operates a little different to the rest. Rather than RAPTCI ATI’s we use incremental staff which complete a Unit Adventurous Training Leader (UATL) courses in the Joint Service Mountain Training Centre in Snowdonia where they qualify in mountaineering, kayaking, mountain biking, and rock climbing. On completion they return to Castlemartin where they deliver multi-activity weeks for visiting units. This gives the groups a one-day taster in each of the Adventurous Training activities throughout the week in a range of locations throughout the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. This year we delivered 40 multi activity courses. In addition, we also delivered 47 courses ranging from sub-aqua, kayaking, and climbing at Foundation level.
On 9 - 23 February 17 our sub-aqua team attended Exercise Croatian Kestrel, the Level 4 annual staff training exercise for all MoD sub-aqua diving centres. This was conducted on the Isle of Vis, Croatia. Eight staff members from ATFW(C) attended the Staff Assurance training which covered a wide range of diving activities, from Sports Diver training through to closed circuit re-breather trimix deep diving to a maximum depth of 50m. Diving in February
in Croatia was out of the normal diving season, and low water temperatures meant all diving was conducted using drysuits. That said, the underwater visibility was 20-30m and the dive sites had a good range of wrecks, reefs and caverns.
There are plenty of opportunities within ATFW (C) to conduct Unit AT, or further develop soldiers in becoming the future ATIs. As a Wing, we are heavily reliant on the good will on Units releasing
their soldiers to become quali ed in delivering our Multi Activity capability. Please feel free to engage if you have soldiers within
your Units who may be interested. OC – Mr Steve Roberts
WSM – WO2 (QMSI) S Lingwood RAPTC Chief Instructor: SSgt Simpson
Chief Instructor Sub Aqua: Dr F Hockley
WO2 (QMSI) S Lingwood RAPTC Wing Sergeant Major (WSM)
 ATFW CM Diving

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