Page 111 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 111

2016/17 at RRU Aldershot has yet again proved to be an extremely busy period for all the staff involved in the high quality service provided to
all military personnel that attend in every capacity. Compared to the previous year, we have had some stability in the form of management staff, with the introduction of Capt Sally Dalziel and Maj Rob Ferry RAMC as the 2IC/OC respectively. This has been supported by minimal movement from course delivery ‘military’ personnel. This ever presence and settled period of staff even allowed some scope for Capt Dalziel to deploy to BATUS for a 4 month period; she even managed to squeeze in some AT!
Sgt (SI) Pradip Rai RAPTC has also seen some
success in recent times whilst participating in Army Powerlifting championships; placing 5th in the 75kg category.
The monthly inpatient rehabilitation courses held at RRU Aldershot continue to be delivered concurrently with attendance numbers constantly at end range quota levels. This has not affected the high quality and professional level of MSKI rehab and education offered to patients, which is testament to the dedication and team ethos amongst the RRU staff. The Running Re-Ed courses are currently being delivered twice annually and this is taken in turns by joint ERI and Physio staff. From a Regional Trade Specialist Advisor (RTSA) perspective, Maj Ferry and I have been able to get out on the road more frequently these past 12 months offering assurance and guidance where possible to ERIs and physios at Regional PCRFs. This is an element of the role that I enjoy very much as it provides insight into the rehab process and quality of treatment being offered at both primary and intermediate care. I also need to mention that we will be sadly losing a long serving civilian member of staff. Mrs Charlotte Woodman has given 7 years of non-wavering dedication and high quality ERI skill throughout her tenure. Her ever presence on the shop  oor, and ability to
organise a good staff ‘social’ will be sorely missed! The Region also says its goodbyes to rehabilitation stalwart in Marian Zycinski (ex QMSI RAPTC) as she hangs up her theraband for retirement; we wish them both the very best.
PCRF Abingdon is located at Dalton Barracks in Oxfordshire, and consists of a small team of 4 clinicians; responsible for a PAR of 1900 troops over 3 Units. The previous year at PCRF Abingdon has been an incredibly hectic one, and the arrival of Sgt (SI) Mark Horrix RAPTC in early January saw him immersed straight into the thick of it. The PCRF has recently moved location within Dalton Barracks to a newly decorated facility within their
very own designated hanger, a project which was overseen by his predecessor (SSgt (SSI) Rhydian Slade-Jones RAPTC) and completed to an excellent standard. The new hangar location also provides a large indoor area used by the PCRF as well as the units based at Dalton Barracks. During Sgt Horrix’s short time at PCRF Abingdon, he has been able to apply the  nishing touches to their new facility whilst getting to grips with the role and responsibilities of being the lead ERI which by all accounts has been a baptism of  re having only completed his ERI course in December 2016.
PCRF Pirbright provides a bespoke health and  tness environment to support both Phase One training recruits and permanent staff (PS) alike. The PS echelon injury spectrum varies amongst acute and chronic injuries. PS who require injury treatment are from a multitude of local organisations including the DMRC Headley Court, ATC Pirbright and the cohort of the 1st Battalion the Welsh Guards. Sgt (SI) Charlotte Spence continues to provide an
   Capt Sally Dalziel working hard In BATUS

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