Page 124 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 124

Major (MAA) B Whitaker RAPTC
Iwrite this year’s MBS notes having completed 2 years at RMAS and having been extended for another 12 months meaning I will be the longest serving SO2 PD at the academy in living memory,
this is a mark of the place; whilst my appointment has without doubt been my busiest since commissioning, I can also say that it has been the most satisfying and made all the more interesting and challenging by having to also cover the SO2 AT post at RMAS since Aug 2015.
As always the PT Wing have risen to every challenge over the last 12 months and they should all be proud of their achievements over a period when they have had to cope with gapped posts, changes of PT delivery policy and the enormous volume of work that comes with being an RAPTCI at RMAS. I can honestly say that their enthusiasm, can do attitude and innovative approach to what they do is second to none, the reputation of the RMAS PT Wing has never been higher both internally and externally. The enhanced reputation outside RMAS has been largely in uenced by the interaction the PT Wing has with all newly promoted full Colonels and Major Generals who attend courses at the General Staff Centre. The PT and Health element of these courses see relatively Junior Sgts educating and coaching these very senior of cers on how best to use up to date physical training methods and equipment to ensure they are able to cope with their very demanding roles. 5 courses have taken place thus far and the invalidation from all has been extremely complimentary about the content and method of delivery by our young RAPTCIs.
Army Generalship Course Jan 17
Colonel Commandant, Commandant, SMAA and the PT WING at the RMAS Academy Boxing Night 28 Mar 17
Other notable successes over the last 12 months have included the numerous sporting events programmed within the Commissioning Course. Special mention must go to the twice yearly Academy Boxing night with Sgt Rees covering off the Nov 16 event and SSgt McClellan the Mar 17 event. Whilst from the outside many readers will have organised many of their own boxing nights at Unit level and if having not served at RMAS wonder why such recognition is given to the RMAS event; when you consider the event is second only in importance to the Sovereigns Parade and the minimal assistance provided from outside the PT Wing, burden of selecting and coaching the boxers, as well as the set up being done in between delivering PT lessons and the expectation that we must improve on the last event; I  rmly believe the effort and work expended by the team is hugely demanding. The event is a huge undertaking and one that always leaves me in awe of the
    RMAS Boxing Night
Sovereigns Banner Log Race

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