Page 77 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
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boxing event that was well organised by LONDIST RAPTCIs was between HCR and HCMR, led by SSgt Burt and supported by Sgt Cumberbatch. The RAPTCIs have all played their parts in the LONDIST competitions alongside RAPTCIs from RC (S) to assist with of ciating duties. Our thanks go to all the RAPTCIs that have stepped up to assist in these competitions. In the picture, SSgt Kewley, refereeing and SSgt Rogers, supports the 1 WG corner.
On completion of a successful AT Ex in 2016, HQ LONDIST this year upped the ante and organised 2 x 1 week AT Exs allowing for 28 of cers and soldiers from LONDIST the chance to experience skiing and gain the Ski Foundation (SF)1 or a week’s continuation training. The Ex was conducted in 2 locations, for those that frequent the French Alps, Flaine and Chamonix were the desired spots. I have taught a number of students throughout the years and never had the opportunity to teach a fellow RAPTCI. As you can see by the photo Sgt (SI) Davies RAPTCI for LCG was a work in progress in all aspects!! (He was awarded best endeavour at the end of the week!)
The main role of the SMI LONDIST over the last 18 months ensures that you keep abreast of everything and anything that is churned by the machines that are HQ RAPTC (mainly Capt (MAA) Bareham!), ASPT, RC (S), Corp SM, staying atop of a busy sports calendar (including the chasing of of cials), chasing up the RAPTCIs for returns on all PD matters, running MATT 2 for the HQ and collating (chasing!) stats for all LONDIST Units, being the SME on all health matters and HQ LONDIST roles! Alongside the collection of duties the role of Watch Keeper and Plans WO were undertaken during an Op Temperer CAST Ex at the start of the year. It is always a good experience to work outside of your normal environment and this was one of those occasions.
A busy post within a busy district, all set in the centre of London. I am enjoying the role and looking forward to my future. This role in LONDIST will see my 22 year Colour Service come to an end. Adieu.
With the drawdown and disbandment of the Army Training Unit, London (ATU L) on the horizon, all Phase 3 training courses for Army Reserves were handed over to Phase 3 training establishments on 1 Sep 16. In regards to PD courses (PTI and ETL) that were originally delivered by ATU L, these will now be delivered by the ASPT. Since my last submission of MBS notes I have delivered 10 x ETL courses, 1 x OCS course and assisted the ASPT in delivering several Army Reserve Basic PTI courses; qualifying in excess of 200 students. From 1 April 17, I will continue to deliver ETL courses each month in London and Grantham for the Army Reserve.
My secondary role is to assist HQ LONDIST G7 PD, conducting unit PDAs and visits to all LONDIST Major and Minor Reserve Units located within the M25. I have visited 25 units / sub unit locations since the beginning of TY 16/17. I have also assisted the Army Reserve in tness testing and having organised MATT 2 testing days at Hyde Park Bks, Knightsbridge. I have also organised several A3 Wattbike conversion training days for Army Reserve PTIs enabling
training in their units, now the Watt bikes have rolled out. Finally I am in the process of organising an Army Reserve PTI training and mentoring day in early April. This will be a rst of its kind in London and hopefully something that can be delivered several times a year to keep Reserve PTIs in date with current PD procedures.
The annual GOC’s Sports Trophy competition involving 9 x LONDIST Army Reserve units took place on Sat 4 Jun 16 at Woolwich Station. Sports that took place were football, basketball, TOW, squash and a relay race. The overall winners were 3 MI Bn and runners up were 106 Regt RA.
On 17 May 16, I was informed that I had received the Pearson Trophy for the Association member who has contributed most to enhance the prestige of the Corps through Physical Training. A part of the citation read “WO2 Pitcairn has made a signi cant impact on Army Reserve tness across southern England. His dedication, attitude and work ethic are second to none”. The award was a surprise but I was extremely proud to receive it.
WO2 (QMSI) KD Pitcairn RAPTC