Page 6 - Oundle Life September 2023
P. 6

For the in-convenience
    Yet another road closure in the road by the Most Holy Name church in West St, not long after it was closed for re-roofing. This time it was to install sewage pipes and a toilet in the church.
For many years the house opposite the church was the residence of the parish priest, but when priests had to take over more than one parish the house, despite being used for a meeting room and most importantly a toilet, was no longer cost effective. It was sold and is now Oundle Osteopaths. This left parishioners with the problem that the nearest toilet was nearly a mile away outside the Co-op. A rather unsightly and expensive but very necessary Portaloo was installed, but this could only be a temporary measure. Because of its prominent
position at the junction of four roads, planning for an outdoor structure was not obtainable, but a most generous doner provided the funds for a new disabled toilet in part of the sacristy. Further work is now needed on the interior
of the church to create a suitable sacristy area, but there are workable temporary measures in place until that can be done. Huge thanks to our donor and to the residents of the neighbouring houses for their patience.
If anyone is interested in having a look
round the church, it will be open for the annual Ride and Stride sponsored walk and cycle ride around historic churches in the area between 10am and 4pm on Saturday 9th September. The church will be manned and a brief history of the church available to read.

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