Page 22 - Falcon Issue 1 2024
P. 22

Since the last entry into the old Kingsman Journal, D Company have continued to grow and form as
the 4th Company in the Battalion; with over 10 different cap badges in the Company of 43 the team is
a diverse cross section of people with different experience. Much of the first half of the year was spent training for and getting ready for Ex APOLLO SABRE – the Company validation exercise to be able to conduct the Ranger role on large scale combat operation. At one point in the exercise, our partner force vehicles broke down, cue one member of the Company who had a REME background getting under the bonnet and fixing the issue – a great example of the strength that comes from people from across the Army serving here.
Our time since Ex APOLLO SABRE has been fast and furious as we have attempted to learn new skills for the role, refresh ourselves on the fundamentals and get ready for the operations cycle. Whether it be discreet surveillance training in London, advanced medical training or demolitions training, the Company have been enjoying the vast amount of training resources available and the opportunity to devise our own training pathway.
As I write this, members of
the Company are deployed or
are about to deploy to Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, and Finland to continue building the relationships which B Coy have cultivated over the last year. The opportunity for a team to have nearly sole responsibility for a country and the relationship with the partner force is one that the Company are excited about starting and which is unique in the Army.
Whilst finishing off the last
bits of mandatory training we are also planning for some significant deployments next year with most of the Company deploying in January to conduct artic warfare training in Sweden, February will see teams deploy to Romania to work alongside US and Romanian SOF in a large multinational exercise before teams split between Norway and Alaska in March and so whilst 2023 has busy, the Company is looking forward to the busy and exciting pace of life continuing in 2024.
Rangers in training
    D Coy on the Winter Warfare Course

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