Page 12 - Out Birding Spring 2023
P. 12

Sparrow, normally here in large numbers. I have lost all my garden Tree Sparrow (at their height, I regularly had 40 birds at any one 􏰀me) and the situa􏰀on seems to be the same at all of my local birding spots. A sad loss.
We had lunch in the Visitor Centre which gave us the opportunity to get to know Maggie for whom this was only her second GBC event. As we were very wet, we decided to call it a day at 1 o’clock. Our only raptor was a Red Kite over the car park as we were leaving by which 􏰀me the sun was out and showed its colours to full advantage.
Events at a Glance
Saturday 4th Aberlady Bay, Lothian
Graeme 07846 985906
Thursday 9th ZOOM talk
Log in at 7:15pm for 7:30 start
Saturday 11th West Hanningfield Reservoir
Contact Chris by Friday on 07525160323 or chris􏰀
Saturday 11th Kings Norton LNR, Birmingham
Contact Adrian.pla􏰁 07817 966228
Saturday 18th Hartlepool, RSPB Saltholme and locality, Teesside.
Please phone in advance. Pam 07950 026730 / 0191 2515351
Saturday 25th RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands, Puddington Lane, Neston CH64 5SF
Jan 07450 239672
Thursday 9th ZOOM talk
Log in at 7:15pm for 7:30 start
Saturday 11th Half-Day Event - Warnham Mill Pond, West Sussex
Contact Mark 07827 014 115 or Simon 01903 873 135 for confirma􏰀on before 6pm Fri, 10th March
Saturday 25th Abberton Reservoir
Contact Chris - 07525 160323 chris􏰀
or Mar􏰀n on 07816 492021 by Friday 20th

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