Page 15 - Out Birding Spring 2023
P. 15

Zoom Talks: looking back and to the future
The second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm is our regular slot, September through to April. Mark your calendars. You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own living room.
We have had some interes􏰀ng speakers for sure...
Birds of Armenia was excellent. I really want to go there now, even although I had to look at a map to see exactly where it is. Now it’s a ques􏰀on of ge􏰁ng organised.
Daniel Johnson did a fantas􏰀c talk on Black Guillemots. What special creatures they are. If you ‘google’ Daniel you will see that he’s done a scien􏰀fic paper which give tons of detail on BG’s. Definitely worth a look.
Honey Buzzards were Mark Mallalieu’s subject: another superb talk. Mark imparted his vast knowledge in a clear and concise manner. He’s been studying Honey Buzzards for many years. Lots of great photographs.
Tom Morath of the Hawk Conservancy Trust was our speaker in December. He told us the great story about how The Trust evolved in a 􏰀ny way, from the 1960’s, led by an enthusias􏰀c married couple, to become the organisa􏰀on it is today. The trust has recently won a silver award for Small A􏰂rac􏰀on at the Beau􏰀ful South Awards.
Coming up in 2023
9 February
9 March
14 April
The Science & Beauty of Birds by Oliver Smart. David Waters of the Great Bustard Group. Jack Ashton-Booth - RSPB Bird Protec􏰀on.
Please feel free to be in touch with me if you’re interested in doing a talk or you know
of someone who would be happy giving a talk , star􏰀ng in September 2023. Jim Clark 7807 193498
Birds of Prey by Description
1. Peregrine Falcon
2. Buzzard
3. Kestrel
4. Marsh Harrier
5. Merlin
6. Osprey
7. Sparrowhawk
8. Hen Harrier

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