Page 19 - 1RHA 2022
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Another diverse, testing, and exciting year draws to a close for O/HQ Battery (The Rocket Troop). The preceding year had been dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Army’s response to it – O/HQ Battery was no less affected by this, with most of the Battery’s personnel aligned to MACA tasks during that period. 2021/22 presented a new, but related chal- lenge. Faced with the task of re-constituting after the pandemic, combined with an extremely busy timetable, the soldiers and officers of O/HQ Battery rose to the occasion and once again demonstrated their exemplary professionalism and work ethic throughout this demanding period. From a ‘standing start,’ O/HQ Battery has regained momentum rapidly and has emerged strong from the shadow of the pandemic.
Entering autumn 2021, the Battery built upon a busy summer exercise season with Ex ARIES STORM 21 occupying much of O/HQ Battery throughout September and October. This 1st Artil- lery Brigade exercise saw a high demand placed upon the A2 echelon - the BQMS, MT department and chefs were put through their paces, with a strong focus on survivability in a contested environment. The very real threat to any unit on the battlefield in modern conventional warfare, now being reflected by updated training practices, presented a new challenge to O/HQ’s echelon elements, which they met with aplomb. Strike components from across the Brigade were also tested, and personnel of Bogues Troop were challenged to provide communications for the Regi- ment in the JFC and FDC, in an austere and complex battlespace. October was also a busy month for Ramsay’s Troop, with two overseas exercises – Ex SHERMAN STRIKE in New Jersey, USA and Ex ROYAL BLACKHAWK in France.
Shortly after the Battery returned from Ex ARIES STORM 21, preparation for Ex CYPHER DAGGER 21 began in earnest. 1 RHA’s annual regimental exercise presented a superb opportu- nity to exercise the disparate elements of headquarters Battery, with significant freedom afforded to departments to conduct cre- ative basic and trade-related training. This was also an excellent chance to build teams and integrate new personnel at all levels, several departments finding time to conduct days out and team- building activities within the exercise construct. Focussing on basic skills and drills, Ramsay’s Troop deployed on Ex CYPHER SHARPEN spending a week in the field, with junior members of the troop tasked with preparing and delivering fieldcraft lessons. Shortly thereafter, O/HQ Battery and 1 RHA finally took some well-earned Christmas leave.
The New Year swiftly ushered in further deployments for the Battery, including support to Ex TALLINN DAWN in Estonia. This multi-national exercise in support of 1 ROYAL WELSH Bat- tlegroup aimed to achieve mission ready status for upcoming deployment on Op CABRIT and was a marked success. O/HQ Battery personnel fulfilled a range of roles as exercising troops and as part of exercise control, bringing valuable joint fires exper- tise to bear. This also served to maintain awareness of the devel- oping requirements of Op CABRIT, on which O/HQ Battery per- sonnel are expected to deploy in 2023. In sport, the Tug of War season was once again upon us – the Regimental team included a strong O/HQ Battery contingent and saw Gnr Rutter qualify for the Army Ladies team – she has subsequently represented Eng- land in international competition in Wales and will also compete
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
O/HQ Battery
(The Rocket Troop) Capt C C Dodd RHA

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