Page 23 - 1RHA 2022
P. 23

GBU24 bomb on a UK range, controlled by none other than Ram- say’s Troop’s own SSgt Coleman.
Immediately after Ex TERMINAL STRIKE 22-2, members of the Air Cell deployed on two separate exercises in the USA: Ex VIN- TAGE STRIKE 22 and Ex BOLD QUEST 22. Ex VINTAGE STRIKE 22 provided 2 of the more junior JTACs from the Cell with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with, and then control USAF F-16 Viper jets at Gila Bend Air Range (South Arizona). The 2 JTACs from 1 RHA then travelled by road to Camp Pend- leton (USMC) on the Californian West Coast to work alongside USMC JTACs and JFOs controlling pairs of Huey UH-1Y Venoms and AH-1G Cobras that deployed a wide variety of live ordinance against multiple target sets during day and night serials. Finally, before returning to the UK, participating JTACs and TACP Signal- lers were treated to hands on tours/capability briefs of the F16s and F35s that were being operated by our USAF hosts at Luke Airforce Base, Arizona. The participation of members of Ramsay’s Troop on Ex VINTAGE STRKE not only proved to be an excel- lent learning opportunity in how to operate in conjunction with our USAF and USMC colleagues but has allowed us to start to build new partnerships with these Sqns that will no doubt lead to new and existing training opportunities in the future. Ex BOLD QUEST 22 saw Sgt Coulson deploy to Georgia to take part in exercise serials designed to develop capabilities including how Data Assisted Close Air Support (DACAS) can be effectively employed in the accurate delivery and increased lethality of CAS. While DACAS capability is in its infancy within the UK military it should be noted that, thanks to our participation in numerous iterations of Ex BOLD QUEST, Ramsay’s Troop contains two of the handful of UK JTACs who can be described as ‘experts’ in this field.
As September 22 began, the members of Ramsay’s Troop returned from their summer leave to deploy to the Cubit facility in Solstice Park to support first ChTp and then E Bty on 2 rota- tions of Ex STEEL DRAGON. This provided the first opportunity this calendar year to properly integrate TACPs and JTACs with Battle Group Command and Control structures as well as provid- ing excellent learning opportunities for the Regt’s FST person- nel in what various air assets and JTACs can contribute in terms of both joint fires and enhancing situational awareness through their Information, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Recon- naissance (ISTAR) functions.
On top of these exercise deployments, special mention should be made of the support Ramsay’s Troop personnel have provided to Short Term Training Teams (STTTs) working with the Ukrainian
military and how the Troop supported the Forward Air Controller (Air) (FAC(A)) course at Yeovilton and Leeming. Mention should also be made of Sgt Curtis for his running of a Russia Study Day for 20X staff.
We now begin the process of preparing ourselves for October 22 where members of Ramsay’s Troop will deploy on Ex CYPHER ISLES in Scotland to prepare themselves for deploying to Japan as light role recce units in December as part of Ex VIGILANT ISLES. While in Japan they will exercise alongside land, air force and naval force elements from not only the host nation but also the US and other allied powers. During October and November other members of the Air Cell will deploy to Fort Irving, deep in the Californian desert, where they will participate in PROJECT CONVERGENCE, a multinational research and development project. This massive initiative, that will include troop numbers in the thousands, will be the testing ground for all manner of new technologies and approaches and will see 1 RHA’s JTACs and TACP signallers support the development of tomorrow’s war- fighting technology!
Lastly, as the Ops cycle for Op CABRIT comes round again mem- bers of Ramsay’s Troop will begin preparing themselves for this year’s iteration of Ex TALLINN DAWN. During this exercise the Troop will be called upon to provide both Bde and BG level TACP support to prepare 20X’s BGs for deployment on Op CABRIT.
It is with feelings of both optimism and pride in its abilities that Ramsay’s Troop now looks forward to what the deployment-rich last quarter of 2022 will entail, and onto what exciting challenges 2023 will bring.
Air Tp1
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
   Estonian TACP with 1 RHA

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