Page 47 - 1RHA 2022
P. 47

knows how to have fun, but also knows where to draw the line. Winter and Summer Balls were fine affairs, often driven by the efforts of the livers-in to deliver a spectacular event. Indeed, the decorations member was pleasantly surprised to discover, that while there was no Picasso in the Mess, there were some hidden artistic talents among the subalterns.
And finally, yes: I was made to feel welcome. There are some messes out there that would look down on an attached arm join- ing their mess but that has not been my experience. I have been
extremely grateful to all the livers-in and wider 1 RHA family for including me. Indeed, the Mess values me so much, that they even decided out of the goodness of the hearts to buy me a car! Sure, there may be a bit more to the story (one to be told over a coffee or a beer in the Mess) but I think it is a testament to the Mess culture that they decided to do it.
I only have a few short months left at 1 RHA, but I can say with hand on heart to any officer considering a posting here they should give it all due consideration: I have enjoyed every moment.
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery

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