Page 16 - Cadet Review Autumn 2023
P. 16
CAMP 2023
Central and East Yorkshire Wing were lucky to be offered a summer camp at RAF Lossiemouth, Moray, Scotland. Before arriving the weather forecast looked very inclement, so we were ready for foul weather options. However, we were pleasantly surprised with a week of fantastic sunshine and just one day of Scottish rain.
The ACLO worked hard to give the cadets the best experience possible and they were not disappointed. Visits were arranged to an active Typhoon Squadron, the RAF Regiment, Fire Section, Poseidon P8 Squadron, RAF Police Dogs, Mountain Rescue, and a STEM session. They also squeezed in a visit to a QRA Typhoon squadron and were given a close up inspection of the front line fighter by the Squadron Engineering Officer. A brilliant visit.
With the Police Dogs we immediately had converts wishing to join up and work with the dogs. A great display of their skills was shown when – unknown
to the cadets – the RAF Police got one of the Adult volunteers to put a sealed drugs bag (used for their training purposes) in his pocket. Towards the end of the visit the drugs search dog was brought out and freely ran between all of the cadets. To the shock of the cadets the dog suddenly sat down in front of the adult staff member, indicating drugs. Sure enough, the dog was spot on. The training package was in the staff member’s pocket. Well done the search dog!
The visit to the Mountain Rescue Team (MRT) was equally met with enthusiasm. The equipment put out on display for the cadets to try out was used by all. Some were even happy to be ‘injured climbers’ and be lofted up by their mates.
Off camp we visited Covesea Lighthouse with great views of the base, the 18th Century Fort George
built after the Jacobite rebellion and the Morayvia
Air Museum run by retired service personnel from around Lossiemouth.
The cadets were really honoured to be on camp when the Warrant Officer of the Royal Air Force Murugesvaran Subramaniam (Subbi) came into
the mess at lunch time. He is the highest ranking Non-Commissioned Officer in the whole of the RAF. He was great with the cadets and spent nearly half an hour chatting with them and answering questions.
All week the cadets had been practicing their drill and getting their uniforms as smart as they could. Trousers had razor-sharp creases. Shoes gleamed in the sunlight. This was all in preparation for the end
A great display of their skills was shown when – unknown to the cadets –theRAF Police got one of the Adult volunteers to put a sealed drugs bag (used for their training purposes) in his pocket
of camp inspection and drill competition. It was a hard-fought battle between Typhoon and Poseidon flights, but Poseidon just nudged in front of Typhoon to take the prize. Well done to all the cadets for super-smart uniforms and precision drill routines.
It wasn’t all work and no play. The trips to local sites helped break up the challenging schedule and a night out at the bowling alley was great
fun. They cadets also had their own light-hearted awards evening where paper plates are handed out commemorating the funny things they did on camp.
After a week full to the brim with exciting activities the cadets climbed onto the coach home exhausted, but happy. A great week to remember!