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Summer 1998
Message from The Vice Chairman
Major M H Bazire MBE RLC
In the last Journal I looked back, all too briefly, to the early days of the AMA and the variety of mountaineering activities that are taking place today. Some of these are reflected in articles inside this edition, and contributions are always welcome. Recent Newsletters contain useful reference mater­ ial. I believe the formula of two Journals and four Newsletters each year works well.
The recent Army Sports Climbing Competition, held at The Foundry, Sheffield, was another success. The AMA continues to run this annual event on behalf of the Army, and thanks go to Captain Paul Edwards, W02 Mike Smith and all who helped to organize the event. There are several climb­ ing meets in UK to look out for, and it is hoped that Exercise HOT ROCK can take place later this year.
Regarding the Alpine scene, details for JSAM this year may be found in Joint Service DCI 50/98. The late publication is regretted. SSgt Paul Duke is acting as the AMA point of contact. An AMA Representative will be needed for next year’s JSAM (under RNRMMC leadership and probably tak­ ing place in the Bemese Oberland): please consider volunteering. The AMA Millennium Expedition Alps 2000 was publicised in the April Newslet­ ter, inviting applications for Exercise Leaders.
On the expedition front, planning for Exercise FINALIS DRAGON proceeds apace, with a tremendous number of applicants undergoing recent selec­ tion and training. Preparations for the British Services Kangchenjunga Expedition 2000 are also underway: further information on this venture may be found inside. Meanwhile, many individual members are taking part in mountaineering expeditions to Alaska, the Andes, the Himalayas and else­ where, and are benefiting from financial support from the AMA.
The Committee recently approved the purchase of an expedition radio set, which should provide valuable assistance over the coming years. A new set of recruiting leaflets has been produced. Thanks go to all on the committee and elsewhere who contribute to AMA activities, whether behind the scenes or on the hills. Please approach any committee member with suggestions for further ways of supporting climbing activities in the Army.
I hope to see many members at the AGM weekend in September. Please put together your top ten slides to show on the Saturday evening. It will be good to hear of a variety of mountaineering exploits. Onwards and upwards!
A message from the Vice Chairman ........................................ Officers of the Committee............................................................ Ten Steps across the Monte Rosa M assif................................... “Tradz” or “Radz” ......................................................................... One Hell of a Rock in the S u n .................................................... New Year M e e t............................................................................. Exercise Denali Diamond .......................................................... The Rjukan Experience ............................................................... Book Reviews................................................................................. Survey 250 Expedition. Caught up in a National Disaster___ Mount Everest A Deadly Playground........................................
.......... 1 ..........2 ..........3 ..........5 ..........6 .......... 8 ..........9 ........11 ........12 ........13 ........15
AMA Photographic Competition W inners 1998 ........................... 16 The Aiguille Rochefort - A 4000 Metre Peak Before L u n c h ........ 18 Avalanche Information Web Sites.................................................... 19 Snow Fun on Mera Peak .................................................................. 70 AMA Millenium Expedition Alps 2000 ......................................... 7? British Services Kangchenjunga Expedition 2000 (BSKE 2000) . ..23 E Eté est M alade................................................................................. 74 Only Maddogs and Scotsan.............................................................. 76 Exercise Island Peak ......................................................................... 78 Bolivia 9 7 ............................................................................................. 30 Expedition Planning......................................................................... 37
This edition was edited by SSgt Steve Wilson in Major Barney Barnet’s absence.
The Arm y Mountaineer is published for The Arm y Mountaineering Association by:
Crest Publications Ltd., Moulton Park Centre, Redhouse Road, Northampton NN3 6AQ. Tel 01604 497565 Fax: 01604 497688

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