Page 17 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 17

                                C (Kohima) Company
      OC Maj W Blackhurst
2IC Capt T Lambert
CSM WO2 (CSM) J Woodward WSM WO2 (WSM) J Cook CQMS(M) CSgt M Harris
CQMS(T) CSgt M Foster
 Foreword Maj W Blackhurst I imagine similar to all companies in The
Regiment, the past 12 months have been
a combination of; demanding, poignant
and a little uncertain for the members of
C Company. But now with the dust finally settled on the regimental reorganisation and the training programme
Warrior turret (and Bulldog cupola!) is limited, so imaginative training is what’s required. Our recent exercise in Wales, Ex ARMOURED KOHIMA 1, which the platoons will expand on later, typifies this approach, utilising B vehicles, (nine seater
Outside of work, congratulations to Sgt Corbill, LCpl Warren, Pte’s Andrews, Cooney on their respective marriages and to Pte’s Williams Green, on the greatest responsibility of all, becoming a parent. For now this article is all about reflecting on the hard work the members of C Company have undertaken
in the last year, be it as a part of 1, 2 or
3 MERCIAN. They have closed a chapter
in the Regiment’s history with a flourish and characteristic professionalism.
Platoon Armoured Infantry Drills
Circuits on the beach – watch out for the jelly fish
firmly underway the enormity of the task we have all just undertaken can be appreciated.
C (Kohima) Company is in rude health, raring to go and ready for the next operation.
panel vans) on an airfield to introduce armoured vehicle movement at platoon level. In time
we will move on to using the Combined Arms Tactical Trainer, (CATT) a genuinely demanding armoured warfare simulator to
 I am privileged to
command not only a
fully manned company
but one that is virtually
at full strength with
more SCBC and PSBC qualified NCOs than I have ever experienced in my time at Regimental Duty. C (Kohima) Company is in rude health, raring to go and ready for the next operation.
further refine our new found skills. We have one year to get the Company into the very best state of preparedness for BATUS
and with the team we have, I’m confident we will do justice to the proud traditions
of our antecedent C Companies and cast
C (Kohima) Company as the new standard in armoured infantry company war fighting.
Pte Collier banging out the push ups
  Between now and that next operation we have plenty of training to undertake. Resources are tight and exposure to the
Cpl Doyle passing on some nuggets
    7 Platoon Lt D Stewart
With the regimental REORG now complete 7 Platoon has a very healthy command structure and is fully manned. The last 12 months have been a challenging period with many members of the platoon flourishing in what was a relatively turbulent period.
LCpl Barnett setting the example on the NAXEX
In November 2013, just prior to the companies departure exercise in Cyprus, Cpl Griffiths was awarded CGC for his actions on HERRICK 17 by HRH the
Earl of Chester, a proud day for all those in the platoon. The exercise in Cyprus, Ex LIONS SUN was at Collective Training level 2 exercise, in effect platoon training. A 7 Pl action of note during the exercise was a recce patrol at night involving
LCpl Hare, Pte MacMillan, Pte Welsby, and Pte Lesubulamai which the RSM (a former recce commander), described as being immaculate.
We then moved on to OP VOCATE, which involved mentoring the Royal Dragoon Guards (RDG), in dismounted infantry tactics in preparation for them to subsequently train the Libyan Armed Forces. This short operational tasking
occurred in Catterick and was lead by Sgt Wightman and Cpl Ross and required a high degree of professionalism from Pte’s
Pl Comd Pl Sgt WR Sgt
Lt D Stewart Sgt J Massey Sgt J Sinclair

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