Page 39 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 39

                                 A (Grenadier) Company
OC’s Foreword Maj Charlie Brunskill
1 Pl Comd 1 Pl Sgt
2 Pl Comd 2 Pl Sgt MSG(A)
Maj C Brunskill Capt T Onion WO2 A Hopkins CSgt D Williams Lt J Russell
Sgt M Ryan 2Lt C Lloyd Sgt A Wells
Lt J Harrison and Sgt D Peake
    2014 has been an extremely busy period for Grenadier Coy. The detachment of
1 Platoon to cover the Force Protection task in Kenya, and the myriad of G4 tasks associated with completing a successful HOTO of Palace Bks, have consumed the Coy almost entirely. The second half of the year looks like being far more challenging but in a more traditional sense.
Post formation of the new Bn, and Grenadier Coy receiving a completely new ORBAT we are now fully engaged
in the rebuilding of this fighting unit.
Ex POTENTIAL GRENADIER in Lydd is proving to be a fantastic opportunity to engender the formidable Grenadier ethos into the new Company.
After this exercise we are very much focused on a series of challenging exercises before Christmas that will see Grenadier Coy deployed in the field for 8 weeks out of the 16 left before leave.
At the forefront of our minds is the forthcoming deployment in support of
On the start line for Fire Team Attack – Ballykinler
4 MERCIAN’s Annual exercise in SENTA. Ex BRACED EAGLE will see the Grenadiers deploy as an integrated force within
4 MERCIAN’s exercise. This opportunity
is fundamental to the success of our
Army Reserve construct and as such it is receiving our full attention and support.
Almost immediately after Ex BRACED EAGLE the Coy are set to enter 2 complete teams into Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL. I look forward to my replacement (Maj Steve
Hayes) reporting back in the next issue on our performance in what is undoubtedly the Army’s premier patrols exercise.
November will see Grenadier Coy deploy to Lithuania in support of a NATO Exercise focused on improving our multinational interoperability whilst keeping a weather eye on developments further east. Again
I look forward to being able to inform the MERCIAN community on the results of this challenging exercise in the next issue.
It has been an immense pleasure to command this MERCIAN Company and look forward to reading all about the aforementioned exploits in next years publication.
 Ex ASKARI STORM October 2013 Maj Charlie Brunskill
  Ex ASKARI STORM promised to be one of the ultimate experiences of my Army Career to date. It didn’t disappoint. With everything from exposures to unbelievable wildlife
to phenomenal tests of my professional abilities, this Kenya experience will be forever burned into my memory.
Upon taking up command, the preparations for this deployment consumed the Company’s every working hour. Everything from achieving the correct training standards to ensuring the sea freight was dispatched in good order required dedication from the company’s command structure and men. I am proud to report that we arrived in Kenya in great order and in an enviable position to make full advantage of the training opportunity.
Of note the pre deployment training in Ballykinler designed and delivered by the 2IC Capt Beetlestone, and the CSM Sgt Maj Kennedy was of the highest standard.
The time away from Battalion in order to prepare for such an important training event like Kenya was also a time that allowed the men to grow in confidence and the true ethos of the Grenadiers started to show through. LCpl Marawi was very keen to show off his field cooking skills.......
Upon arrival in country the grenadiers were allocated East Laikipia Training area in order to progress from the start state
of Collective Training 1 up to Collective Training 2. During this phase of the 6 week
A Fijian and his roast pork are never too far apart
exercise it can’t be underestimated the difference between Northern Ireland and Kenya in September.
East Laikipia was to be our home for the next 2 weeks. However, it soon became apparent that we weren’t alone. The indigenous wildlife was abundant and on more than one occasion they showed more than a passing interest in our activities. The Grenadiers adapted well and thankfully
no one was seriously injured. However,

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