Page 5 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 5

Brigadier AP Williams OBE
 My second foreword as Colonel of The Regiment begins
by paying tribute to those officers and soldiers who have contributed to operational success in Afghanistan. Whatever plays out in the political and media space must not detract from the gritty and understated professionalism of the Mercian Regiment, whose 3rd Battalion this year completed the final Regimental tour in Helmand. We have expended much blood and treasure in that most demanding of operational theatres, and the consequences of doing so
will be with us for many years. Our operational focus now switches to the much greater uncertainty of “contingency” and a readiness for invariably shorter notice and more complex operations; who only a year ago would have predicted ISIS, Ebola and a possible reawakening of the Cold War?
Whilst concurrently meeting the demands of operational and training commitments, we have also just completed the major muscle movements of the Regimental Reorganisation, and I commend everyone for their part in this. Not only have we said farewell to the 3rd Battalion, but we have moved our former 1st and 2nd Battalions from Northern Ireland
and Catterick to their new homes in Bulford and Chester; for the 1st Battalion a major re-roling to Armoured Infantry and for the 2nd Battalion the exciting new world of Defence
Engagement. Early indications are that the Reorganisation has gone very well indeed, although there is some inevitable turbulence as we see it through to the finish; which we must do.
Regimentally, I believe we are in a good position, and having ensured that our heritage is appropriately represented across all of our Regular and Reserve battalions, we must now continue to move forward. In doing so, we continue
to better establish our identity as a Mercian family; one
that we can be immensely proud of, and in which Regular and Reservist officers and soldiers, and cadets and adult volunteers from University Officer Training Corps, Army Cadet Forces, Combined Cadet Forces and of course our antecedent Regimental Associations play their vital part.
2015 will not be without its challenges, particularly with the certainty of another Strategic Defence Review, and the uncertainties of an unpredictable world. Recruiting and Retention, in particular will come into stark focus as we compete in the market-place for the quantity and quality to ensure success, and you each have a role to play in that.
I wish you good fortune as we collectively face the forthcoming year, and conclude by saying that your approach to the challenges of last year reinforced my pride in our Regiment.

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