Page 128 - The Royal Lancers Chapka 2018
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ing delivered for our Veteran Lancer and their Dependants. Not only are we able to continue to run an effective organisation in the delivery of ‘Effects’, but we are fast developing and modernis- ing. This year we have initiated a digital networking project, due to report in 2019, which we hope will lead to enhanced connec- tivity; we have a new Dependents’ Committee Member, Judith Bergstrand, who is already ensuring single Veteran Lancer and Dependents’ are no longer on their own – their voice is brought to the table by Judith and she is in regular contact with an increasing number of singletons.
We are creating new branches making a total of 10 formal Royal Lancer branches found across the country and lead by ante- cedents but open to all under the banner of Royal Lancer. The 9/12L are converting the Derby weekend to a branch and QRL now have two new branches emerging in the Midlands (location TBC) and Catterick – all thanks to Captain Adam Westward, RLOCA Committee Treasurer. Adam has done a magnificent job in raising these branches following an appreciated need to pro- vide QRL Veteran Lancer with branches they could not only call their own within the Royal Lancer umbrella but also be the focus for antecedent heritage and tradition as with the other anteced- ents. We are creating leaving/arrival packs for the serving regi- ment so that serving soldiers who are about to leave can be given the necessary information to connect with their local branch – in this way all Veteran Lancer will have a branch through with which they can find formal association after leaving regular ser- vice. In addition to the formal Royal Lancer Branches, there is
Judith Bergstrand – Dependents’ Lead in Committee
an abundance of other groups operating across the country who enjoy the support of the wider regiment but also provide invalu- able local support to their Veteran Lancer and networking.
Looking to 2019, I look forward to bringing increased coherence to our growing Veteran Lancer Association; all the while I will continue to ensure the heritage and traditions of our antecedent regiments.
The Cenotaph Parade, 11th November 2018 – Waiting to ‘step-off’