Page 28 - The Royal Lancers Chapka 2018
P. 28

   higher capacity power supply, replacing expensive water pumps, laying of tarmac and other civil engineering tasks all fell to the QM’s dept to request, orchestrate and see through to the finish.
Last and by no means least were the two soldiers working in the Company Headquarters’ office within Ledra Palace. War- rant Officer Class II Lucas as Support Company Sergeant Major and Sergeant Major Palmer as the Welfare Senior Non-Commis- sioned Officer. There were very few disciplinary issues during the tour for Support Company due to their fair and professional example throughout. Sergeant Major Palmer, as the lead for welfare, organised and executed many cultural and recreational trips for all of Sector 2 (and the Mobile Force Reserve) during this deployment. Beach trips, sporting events, visits to historic
Conspicuous as an unwelcome addition, Lieutenant Titcomb with the Support Coy 5-a-side football team
sites or sightseeing were conducted every weekend to broaden the minds of our soldiers.
Not only did Support Coy complete their tasks to the best of their abilities, but they did so in a quietly professional manner. Their efforts won’t be placed on the front of magazines or in tel- evision programmes. Despite this, their work behind the scenes was necessary, important and central to the overall performance of Sector 2 whilst working for The United Nations Forces in Cyprus. As Support Company Commander I could not be more proud to have operated alongside such a dedicated, engaging and hardworking team – thank you to all.

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