Page 11 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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HQ RAPTC have worked with the UKSCA to develop a further four unique S&C CPD courses so that we ensure that the development of our RAPTCIs is equal to our civilian
counterparts. This relationship continues to develop with progress being made by our RAPTCIs becoming more qualified and well thought of in the S&C world.
Op Teamwork was a time for the HQ to not only stop and consider how it can improve internally but also how we can shape the behaviour and culture of the RAPTC which already sits highly.
A number of initiatives are in flight, and we look forward to challenging the norms and continuous improvement.
A series of virtual deliveries took place, namely the RAPTC conference in 2021 and the Regional Study Periods but it was time to out that aside and immerse ourselves back to in person communication by bringing the Corps back together for the 2022 Conference which was made even better by the well-attended Mess dinner nights.
  Since my arrival the team has seen some notable farewell and additions, escaping the Mothership were WO2 Rog Harnden (on promotion to SMI) into HQ ITG and SSgt Rich Moody (on promotion to QMSI) into 3 Sigs (Congratulations Both!) and incoming we now have WO2 Abi Morrow and Sgt Fabz Walker on the team (Welcome both!). The remainder of the team remains constant with WO1 Burt, WO2 Ian Lester and SSgt Tom Chennell being the continuity and having the pleasure of keeping me straight!
The HQ continues to be a melting pot of activity – no day is the same with everyday presenting new challenges that require new initiatives! I write this with 12 months left in post – I can only hope my next offering of MBS notes is penned with the same amount of job satisfaction as I am currently experiencing – here’s hoping!
   Members of HQ RAPTC enjoying Op TEAMWORK culture in London
WO2 (QMSI) R Harnden RAPTC HQ RAPTC – Snr Analyst
 At the time of writing, I’m entering my final month in TDT before stepping out to start my next appointment. As I’m leaving, I thought it was an ideal opportunity to reflect on the last 21⁄2 years in the Corps HQ and highlight some of the key projects I’ve been involved with (it’s not all DSAT!!).
One huge positive that has come from being in our Corps HQ / TDT is knowing that I have contributed to how we as a Corps move forwards and develop. The TDT is the place to be if you’re keen on learning, remaining current and having your voice heard.
I would assume that most RAPTCIs think the TDT is a geeky working environment where you’re pinned into your terminal... Well apart from the computer work (who isn’t these days), it’s a place you can make a real contribution and add value across the whole PD spectrum!
To showcase how varied the role in TDT is, I’ve bulleted ‘some’ of the work strands I’ve personally been involved with during my tenure:
• Continuous development of all mandated RAPTCI education (ADT, CPD, ER etc.).
• Input on the ALDP syllabus at all levels.
• Analysis and Design of the Physical Training Leader capability. • Various course ExVals (looking at how we can develop the
‘Role,’ so it’s fit for purpose).
• Media work (APTS videos, Comd Conf, InFront Mag,
Recruitment, and lots more).
• Support to all Regional Study Periods (RSPs).
• Secretary to the PT Working Group.
• Delivery on the JSJET visit (RAPTC Job Evaluation).
• RAPTC WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess PMC.
• Support to the Building Performance Statement (BPS / Infra)
under THOR Proj 5.
Although Covid-19 has had an impact, it’s also offered us an opportunity to evolve. As I leave, I’ll look back on my time in TDT with pride; extremely thankful for the opportunities afforded to me, and keen to put everything I’ve learned into practice.

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