Page 119 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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  Mutter the word ‘Brecon’ to any Infantry Soldier or Officer and a cold shiver will run down their spine. Most will have an
intimate knowledge of the infamous Sennybridge training area, having spent hours, days and weeks traversing its relentless terrain, enduring never-ending hills and operating in some very unfavourable weather conditions during one of the Infantry Battle School’s ‘Battle Courses.’
As a local lad, I’ve always wanted to be posted to
Brecon since I joined the Army. However, having
not been an Infantry cap badge prior to the RAPTC
this was always going to be a struggle. After being selected for WO2 in February 2021, the assignment gods were watching over me and the planets aligned – the Brecon QMSI job was finally on the cards. All that said, when I received my assignment order, I too had the same shiver run down my spine. However, it soon warmed up on day 1 in the job with the help of a Bergan and the familiar sound of ‘STANDBY GO!’ echoing across X-Range hill.
Research and Development
Climatic Injury Prevention, Nutrition and PES research
Over the last 12 months, the Gymnasium staff have assisted with several PD research and development programmes using our ITT/ STT courses. We assisted with Project SALAMANDER, the Army’s ongoing research towards heat illness prevention, acclimatisation and climatic injuries. Second up was the High Activity Training Supplement (HATS) research, ensuring that our course personnel are being supplied the correct number of calories to meet the demands of the courses. Finally, and most recently, was the Physical Employment Standards (PES) ‘next steps’ research, led
by the team who designed the PES. As designers of the RFT(S), this was the first time the Chichester University team had got to complete a full study and/or review of their ‘not-so-new’ test due to COVID postponements. The main reasons for the study were to re-assess, evaluate and provide a report on the current RFT(S), in addition to gathering scientific data to assist with the design of a specific entry test for arduous courses. We’ve yet to see the report – but I’m sure it’ll be published before this article goes to print.
Physical Development
From a PD perspective, a lot of good things came out of 2021. There’s been some much-needed infrastructure improvements in the Gym, along with a massive uplift in PTE thanks to a hefty funding allocation from LWC. A full re-fit of new CV equipment and WattBikes, a functional training rig and Astroturf sledge lanes. The uplift has seen our Gymnasium transformed into an exemplary training facility and most importantly, it’s been very well received and utilised by both permanent staff and students within the school. With a 3G football pitch and PES testing area due to be installed in summer 2022 - this will be the icing on the cake for PD delivery within Dering Lines.
When AT returned to ‘normal’ in the summer, it was great to be out in the Welsh hills again. With the Brecon Beacons on our doorstep, the unit takes full advantage and regularly conducts Unit Authorised AT whenever there’s some white space in the diary. However, whilst we do love Wales, the INFBS also have a few overseas AT expeditions lined up this year. Sailing around the UK, Alpine Skiing in France and Rock Climbing in the Italian Dolomites.
Gym Staff on Pen-Y-Fan summit

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